See you all later.


Well-known member
Hi, I've been coming on this forum for some time now for some time now mostly just reading other people's post's untill the last few months were I have been posting.

Most of you probably don't know me but I don't really feel the need to come on here anymore.

I have been going to the gym, getting cognative therapy treatment and just battling my SA myself using my own head and I think I might have just cracked it, but time will tell.

I'de just like to say good luck to every1, go easy on yourselvs and try and beleive in yourselfs. It takes time but I'm sure you are all capable of it!!!

Once again GOOD LUCK!! and I genualy do hope you all get to were you want to be one day.

Also thanks for letting me know I'm not the only 1.

C ya

Colin (my reall name lol :D )


Well-known member
Great for you, keep it up this way :D Hope you'll come back once fully recovered just to tell us about it :)

Farewell my friend 8)


Well-known member
Yeah ditto :D
Good news idd! Im happy for you Colin! Youve shown this disorder is 'overcomeabble'! ;) Ive just started up Jogging and feeling very good abt it right now. Who knows - maybe ill join the local Gym when I pluck up the courage! :!:


Good news, I actually dusted off the bike and went for a spin around town the other day. It was a bit unnerving but the old saying is right - you never forget how to ride your bike.

I was able to pull off enough muster to actually sit in a public ice cream parlor and have my favorite - STAWBERRY!

Life is looking up for me as well. Thanks guys (and gals) for all your support - you are my (online) family.


Well-known member
Well everything seems to still be going alright for me.

Definetly not PERFECT but I feel I can handle it.

I still do get anxiety but I am refusing to let it get me down.

If I get really anxious (is that how you spell it? I'm shit at spelling lol) in social situations I just ride it out and then afterwards totally block it out of my mind and this makes it feel less of a burden and makes the problem not seem like such an evil thing as I've been thinking for so long.

Just try and constantly look forward and dont look back.

I really want to help people on here with what I've been doing but I can't fully explain it in words and I also don't want to patronise anyone.

Just search and search for your strength within is what I say and you definetly do not owe any1 anything. Try and put yourself first(not in a selfish way) and don't worry about what other people think of you. As long as you can search for happiness on the inside and succeed then it puts things into perspective. You are not here for others to like you, you are here to like yourself and thats what really counts!!

Anyway I will stop blabbing on now, I hope at least someone can make some sense out of what I just said.

