school is my hell


New member
my name is nathern fear and im a young strapping ladd of 13. at school people are horrible and call me stinker and rotter. they critisice the clothes i wear and they spray deodrant in my ear.
this one time they tied me tied me to a milk van and threw spaghetti hoops at me.
another kid put mud in my hair and called me dirty.
last week someone made me eat a dandelion or they said they make me eat a dead pigeon.
even the head teacher called me patrhetic because i could not handle my problems, so i sit in a cupboard everyday crying because this is my only way out.
i also sniff cleaning fluid to help me get away.
i pooed my pants in school once because i was nervous so the teacher made me take my dirty clotes off infront of everyone and then they made fun of my my small genertirial.
what should i do??


well, if this is not a hoax, change schools...or change underwear...just change something. good luck X X X