School cop encounter.

"I was just watching my class play basketball[afraid to play with them myself] when the school resource officer came in. He watched for a couple of minutes, then suddenly turned to me and asked me my name and if I was a student there. Me, having Selective Mutism in addition to SA, slowly backed away, hoping he would leave. It would be my luck to have a persistent cop, wouldn't it?

He followed me, and kept asking. I backed up to a wall, and he said I couldn't escape. Then , he grabs my shoulders with his hands and holds me against the wall, rendering me helpless. He takes out his communication device[whatever it is] and contacted a school official. That's when my teacher comes up, along with the rest of the students. The cop turns around and see him, asking if he knew who I was. After he[the teacher] identified me, the cop let go of me, and I ran as fast as possible back to my classmates.

Normally, ms.Rae [Para Pro] is with me, but she was gone to the restroom at that time. Was this just bad luck on my part, or was that cop outta line? I am just shocked and, and the time, terribly frightened.[I was trembling violently after he let me go]. I don't think I will ever have the guts to talk to that cop now. Opinions?"


Well-known member
Try and get-up the courage to tell the cop to go fuck himself next time, then maybe spit on the pig.

/really dislikes people who abuse authority.
Try to put yourself in the resource officer's position. If the shoe was on the other foot and you didn't know about selective mutism, wouldn't you be suspicious if the kid acted in the manner that you did?

One thing about SA that's unfortunate is that we usually only think of how a situation is from our perspective. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Does your school have IDs. If so, maybe you could keep that on hand and show it if this situation comes up next time.