school and social phobia


New member
I'm not really sure if I have social phobia, I've never wanted to tell myself that I do, I like to call myself quiet and shy, but I think I do. I don't know wether its depression or social phobia. does anyone else have the problem of missing school? I'm in high school and alot of times in the morning I just don't want to get out of bed and go to school, because I'm tired but I also think about how unhappy and nervous I'll be infront of everyone, including my friends. Last year I missed so many days of school because I just felt really sad and I couldn't step out of the house and it really got in the way of my grades and just created alot of problems, like alot of unexcused absences and I felt really deppressed and locked up in the house. That was last year and I did a better job at going to school this year, but today I missed school and I'm so scared because the feeling of being alone, depressed and having social anxiety is happening all over again like last year and I don't want my good grades to go down the drain. so does anyone else have or had a problem with going to school? how did you deal with it?


Active member
Hi magicfairy.
I never used to miss school when I was in high school. But since I've moved out own my own and started university, its been harder to attend. I've missed 4 weeks of school now. I've missed so much that it is almost imposible for me to go back. I really wish that I just forced myself to go right when it started. So my advice to you is, try to work through it. It might not be easy, but I think it's best. And try and contact your counselor, that's what I did. They can be really understanding and might actually help you with your feelings.


New member
thank you sad kat for telling me that, its really helpful to know that I'm not the only one who goes through this and has absences because of sp in high school, i'm 16 and in my 3rd year of high school. I know what you mean about feeling regretful, I feel really regretful right after I skip school and I feel like if I tell my friends that I skipped school because of sp, they would think its a dumb reason and not really understand because my friends don't really skip school. I don't think my parents know that I skip school because of sp, though I've never told my mom, she might know because my mom has the same problem, she doesn't go to school but she told me she might have sp last time. I never told my parents why I skip school and last year when I had alot of absences my I think teachers thought that I was lazy, but I don't think I want to talk about it with anyone at school. I don't want to miss anymore school, I'll try to to force myself to go, I really don't want to go tommorow but i know I have to


Well-known member
hey magicfairy, i hated high school, my anxiety just escalated up until my senior year when i finally got diagnosed. i just had to take it day by day. i skipped presentations and in the mornings when i got there, i'd sit in my car in the parking lot until it was time to go in, just breathing. i dreaded it everyday.

it gets better, especially if you go to college, it's completely different here. i'm a sophmore in college now and doing alot better.

take care :D


Active member
Hello magicfairy,

I know exactly what you're going through.I'm finished school
now but,I had bad attendance all through my school years.I graduated through a Adult Basic Education program.nobody knew what was wrong with me and i sure didn't know i had social anxiety.I'm 26 years old and i only found out this year.My parents had plenty of meetings with teachers and principles during my school years complaing about my bad attendance but they didn't a clue.My advice to you is let your school know about the Social Anxiety.Educate them on it teachers and principals because they really don't know.You don't have to go through what i went through you can get the help you need and graduate from high school.I still wonder why I have to suffer with this but,in the mean time I can help others feeling the same way not to have such a bad experience as I did.I wish you all the luck in the world and remember you are not alone.


Well-known member
I can relate to what you're saying, I hated highschool. My attendance was terrible pretty much all of the time that I was there, I just found it so difficult to go in. In the end my anxiety was so bad that I didn't attend at all for the last two months and didn't take any of my exams :( . That was a terrible period in my life though, I had regular bullying and depression on top of the SA. Chilling_Echo is right though it does get better after highschool. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.