scared of the doctor stoping your meds!


im petrified that the doctor stops my medication (cause its highly addictive)

i need these pills to survive though!

its mad really cause i need a sleeping tablet to do stuff like housework, bathing or shower, hoovering, cleaning stuff etc etc

it should be the other way around, dont you think!!

i need a brain transplant, but cant find any on ebay!


If its benzos you're talking about, your doc can't simply stop giving you those. Why is that? Well, because if they did cut you off without weaning you down you might just have a seizure. If that were to happen, you could sue his pants off.



If its benzos you're talking about, your doc can't simply stop giving you those. Why is that? Well, because if they did cut you off without weaning you down you might just have a seizure. If that were to happen, you could sue his pants off.


thats good to know mate, and yes its benzos im talking about, as for seizures, ive had 3 that i know about! (if no one is there to see it, you dont know) but not for about 5 years.
i was diagnosed as having photo sensitive epilepsy!
the test thing MRI scan was fine
but then i had to go for another scan, where they put a strobelight up to your eyes and then speed it up and slow it down (i couldnt handle it)
i felt like i was going to die, they had to stop it, cause i told them too
im glad that youve said this about the benzos cause it makes me feel a lot less anxious


Well-known member
If you're taking benzos to do housework, you have a problem and probably should try to wean off of them or at lower your dosage.

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
I have attempted to free myself from my antidepressants. Unfortunately, I experienced and suffered through depression, suicidal thoughts, and increased anxiety. I went back on them again, and everyone believes I'm super cheerful & happy, in which I get complimented often because they believe it's one of my "best qualities", but it's really artificial happiness, in my point of view. Anyway, I'm fearful of stopping my medications, but I'm planning on staying optimistic and allowing time to heal all. Best of luck to you.