Scared of returning to work


Well-known member
I am going back to work at a department store in a couple of days, and I am nervous to do it. I have anxiety about returning to old places of work, and this will be the first time I have ever done so.

My main problem will be talking to the other employees. I was always quiet around them, but I would love to change that. The problem (surprise, surprise!) is anxiety.

First of all, I don't know what to do in general social situations with the other employees. I am not really sure how to introduce myself, and I get incredibly nervous talking with any of them. Now, however, I will have to interact with employees that I have been silent amongst during my first stretch there. How do I interact with these ones? Just go up to them and say "Hey I worked here before but I am too awkward to approach you then, so here goes..." lol.

Yeah, I know I am socially retarded. But I would be grateful for any help. Thanks.


You know what just do it, i know it sounds hard but it's really not they might be surprised.

Like wow he has a voice an they will probably let you know but just ignore it just make sumthin up like wher did you get that watch or i have that shirt anything really.

An just roll with that, for example say you see an employee in the break room when your on your break.

Just go for it ask them how things are tell them how much this job sucks im sure they will agree you really dont have to say much if they are the talkative type they will do all the talking for you.

All you have to do is listen an give your input every now an then, trust me ive been in this situation multiple times ive had so many jobs its not even funny grocery store stocker at target night job of course,ups night job,car part delivery driver,technical support for verizon dsl,grounds keeper list goes on.

I encourage everybody to get their feet wet it's a big load off your just once you do it you feel great, like wow this is easy it's not as hard as im making it out to be.

People really dont care what your doing their more concerned with themselves an what they have going on then you.

I had to learn that the hard way.


Well-known member
Just say "hey" and start by talking about what you have in common with the people around you: work. Like "wow, I'm pretty bored; it's kind of nice to be back, though", and so on.