Said too much


Well-known member
Anyone think it;s better to end a conversation halfway through, before you both get bored nd have nothing to say?

Ive jus been talking on msn to this girl i reeally like.. well the conersation was goin really well, till i messed up an started talking crap :x Next time Im just gonna leave before the conv goes stale. Trouble is u cant do this in real life can u :(

So yeah Ive basically blown it with her now i think :( I really feel like shit at the mo!


Well-known member
stardog said:
Anyone think it;s better to end a conversation halfway through, before you both get bored nd have nothing to say?quote]

From what i have learned the answer is YES it is better to end it early instead of trying to keep it going and it ends up turning out boring or you end up talking rubbish, its better to keep it short and sweet :wink:

I do know exactly where you are coming from and that when you like someone you want to keep talking to them and you keep trying to think of things to say but it soon becomes boring as you end up talking about stuff of no real significance and i think that the other person soon becomes annoyed with it.

Short and Sweet :wink:


Well-known member
can i offer sum gal advice???? if she finks ur talkin crap den DONT GO OUT WIV ER!!!!! its important that u feel comfortable wiv woteva u say 2 er!!!! :) :D :lol: :p :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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