SA=Neurological thing?


Well-known member
Could SA be a neurological illness ? I mean, my reactions and emotions were always extremely intensified . Not to mentio that i always felt different form others (Maggie remembered her first day in kindergarten, feeling out of space, detached, and i can relate to that ).

So, way i see it , this illness is like epilepsy or something like that.
Every effort to fit in completely with other people is futile. No, i m not trying to find an excuse for not particulary trying to mix with other people recently, this post is some kind of observation.


Well-known member
It does seem like that, so good observation.

More precisely, SA is a mental illness born from the mind. The mind is so powerful, it dictates our entire experience of life.

Your emotions are intensified because of the effect your mental state has on your body.

Social Anxiety is a powerful drug like distortion of reality. Your mind is aware of your body, there is a connection. This awareness pervades your body. When anxiety arises you experience a state of fear and agitation. Your body will pump out certain chemicals that try to relieve that fear, in doing so you experience such different experiences. Your senses become ultra sensitive. This alters your mood. You become elated, you may then become depressed.
