SA Challenging Partner


Well-known member
I've just been thinking.. Wouldn't it be good to meet up with someone with SA and challenge it together. Do things like go to a busy shopping center and set each other challenges and you HAVE to do it, for eg. I'd tell them to walk into a shop and start a conversation with somebody and then they'd tell me to find a girl I like and ask for her number and vice versa. Just challenging each other to do things we're uncomfortable with on a regular basis. I really think it could improve our SA and maybe be the start of a good friendship. I'd be up for this but there doesn't seem to be many people here from my area. If my car was on the road I'd be willing to travel to do this a couple of times a week. It would be like us against the world sort of thing then once we've been doing it for a while then we could have a go at doing it alone and maybe meet up for a drink afterwards to share our success stories. It would be hard but overcoming SA isn't going to be easy. It could be a good idea I meen anythings worth a shot when trying to overcome SA right?


Well-known member
sounds like a great idea ... hope you get a person that takes you up on this