Robinul / Glycopyrrolate


Well-known member
Today i just got some Glycopyrrolate the generic for Robinul. I got 2mg which i am suppose to take 2- 3 times daily. Any tips or success with this? Is the real Robinul better than the generic?


Hoping for success!

PS: I have palmer and planter HH.


Well-known member
This is probably my 5th day on Robinul and I haven't sweat once. Then again, the Iontophoresis may not have worn off yet. Either way I am very optimistic these pills seem to be REALLY working!



Hi, this is actually my first time i post something in the forum, i am also struggling to overcome the problem of sweating i seem to have and one of the ways is taking avert pills (robinul), i have them occasionally 1 or 2 (2mg) with an empty stomach, before a meeting, but never seem to do something. By this point i am convinced that my hyperhidrosis problem occurs in most cases when i start feeling anxious. I must say that i experience generalized hyperhidrosis, i dont know if it maters...


Well-known member
I was under the impression that you have to build up on the pills. Take the routinely to notice the effects not just before a meeting. Perhaps that is the reason why they dont work for you. Although, I also think i have an anxiety problem. I want to try Ativan SL (but my doctor won't right it for me. It is for the quick relief of anxiety that you take right before a meeting or something. Look into it on the HH solutions post, they talk about it and other anxiety meds.


I guess you are right, but i have tried other herbal remedies to relief the anxiety problem, i the best case i get realy sleapy 4 or 5 hours after i use them, the only thing that i found to releaf me from HH is drinking, i guess it relaxes the muscles...but this is no actuall solution. Dude u wouldnt imagine how its like to sweat everywhere, even in your private places...anws... i will work this through though and let you know what makes a difference...i am just starting to understand the whole philosophy of sweating...


Well-known member
quote 'Dude u wouldnt imagine how its like to sweat everywhere'

Guess you're on the wrong forum. Many people on here know exactly what it''s like .....

I'm not belittling your problem and I sympathise with the situation as a fellow sufferer and i generally only suffer from the face, neck and chest areas. But, trust me, people on here do understand your problem.


Well-known member
Control Your Sweating Naturally

How much is discovering how to stop your sweating naturally worth to you?

Suppose you could simply follow a few simple tips and tricks and stop your sweating naturally… and safely.

Imagine... no more embarrassing sweating… less stress… and never worrying about being different. Without having to make any drastic changes (like surgery!)

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it isn't if you have the right information!

Think about it. Knowing how to naturally control your sweating is one of the best things you could learn.

Simply put, you would never have to worry about sweating too much ever again!
But the problem is, there’s no simple guide...

I searched and searched for a good simple guide to curing my sweating naturally.

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I don't want to know all the technical details, or read a university-level course on biology and anatomy, etc.

I just want to know...what are the basic tips, tricks and techniques that I can use to stop sweating so much… naturally (And what are my options if the natural stuff doesn’t work as quickly as I want it to!)

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This is the guide I was looking for but couldn't find. It's called Control Your Sweating Naturally. And here's just some of what's inside...

· You'll discover brand new way's in which you can use to instantly (and safely) reduce your sweating level! (This will not only improve your life... but also... your overall health.) (pg. 1-88)

· What Hyperhidrosis is, why you may be suffering from it and the two major natural ways to control it. Plus, for severe cases – the medical options to permanently solve your problems!(pg. 31)

· Why deodorant may be MORE hazardous to your health than you think (the risks are real, even though most people think it's completely harmless!) (pg. 45)

· Exactly what to wear to reduce your sweating (this works even better in hotter climates!)(pg. 36)

· The number one rule which absolutely must be observed if you want to cure your sweating naturally.(pg. 42)

· A simple nutrient that is readily available, free, and all over the world… which most people don't get enough of (you definitely need to consume more of this if you sweat more than the average person!)(pg. 55)

· A simple, but very important (and almost unknown) "tip" which will reduce your "sweating" ... forever!(pg. 26)

· How following a certain diet an exercise routine can not only improve your health but also help reduce sweating (it sounds weird, but it's true!)(pg. 55)

· What would you guess is the single most common... and... most devastating sweating problem among people? (You'll not only find out what it is when you read this book... you'll also learn... how I discovered it's the easiest problem to treat.) (pg. 31)

· The three things you're probably doing now (if you're like 99.9% of all adults) that are all increasing your sweating (plus, they're just bad for your health anyways!)(pg.58)

· Over 10 Herbal tea recipes guaranteed to reduce your sweating… naturally! (pg. 68-75)

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· A simple technique Buddhist monks have been using for centuries to reduce sweating (and stress!) (pg. 25)

· A few of the most important thing you can do to reduce sweating (if you only discover one thing, it should be this!) (pg. 23-31)

· One of the easiest ways to reduce sweating that almost no one has been doing since they were babies! (pg. 28)

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