Robinul Dosage?

I'm 15 years old, and I'm a little unsure about my dosage when it comes to robinul/avert (I have Avert).. I know it's really a trial and error process, but what would you say would be a good/average dosage? I just really want my hands to stop sweating constantly. Thanks <3


Well-known member
Start with a low dose 1 to 2 mg. I usually take 2 mg in the morning when I need it. If you are still sweating a lot, take another 1 in the afternoon.


Well-known member
When I take 4mgs of robinul/avert in the morning(7am), I'm dry through the entire day! But your body may need some time to adjust to 4mgs, so i'd start with 2mg and work your way up. good luck