Risperdal + adderall?


New member
Hi All -

I am a 27 year old male and used to have textbook social phobia and fear of being around a lot of people. The past year, it turned into more OCD and obsessive thoughts (What if I go crazy? What if I harm someone? etc.). We tried all SSRI's which made anxiety worse and the doctor put me on low dose Risperdal (.25mg at night).

I am wondering if anyone has had experience with antipsychotics and, if so, can you use stimulants with them? Surprisingly, Adderall upps my confidence in social settings.

Due to just starting Risperdal, I developed a tense tongue (EPS symptoms) and am taking .25 Cogentin to help with this for first few weeks as well.



Active member

the doctor put me on low dose Risperdal (.25mg at night).

I was on Zyprexa ( Olanzapine) 5mg in 1999, but after days taking it, while I was in the car with my parents and sis, suddenly my eyes rolled upwards, and i got muscle spasms.
The Psychiatrist then prescribed Cogentin, but it didn't help much.

In 2001, while overseas, I was given 2 mg Risperdal.
Just by my first dose, I straight away got muscle spasm, stiff-neck, and i paced around feeling restless.
So , my parent rang the doctor and he adviced to stop it.

( I think, 0.25mg that you are taking is a very low dose of Risperdal).

I am wondering if anyone has had experience with antipsychotics and, if so, can you use stimulants with them?]

Antipsychotics works mainly by blocking the Dopamine receptor in the brain.

( Nowadays, newer Antipsychotics are on the market, and they are called Atypical Antipsychotics, as besides selectively blocking the Dopamine subtype-2, it also blocks other Serotonin subtypes which produces anxiolytic effect)

Stimulants like amphetamines actually produces its " Pleasure " effect by blocking the Re-uptake of Dopamine ( and to a lesser degree, also includes Noradrenaline), while releasing these neurotransmitters from the cytoplasmic pools, too.

So, combination of both antipsychotics and Amphetamines, theoretically will decrease the CNS effect of Amphetamines.

The same thing, as this i found by chance ( as I browsed through medical research), that when the patients are put on Lithium as mood stabilizer, and given stimulants like Amphetamines, the conclusion of the research is that, Lithium blocked the CNS effect of Amphetamines.

But remember, everyone reacts differently even to the same medication, and the best advice to seek is your own doctor who knows you better.

Kind regards,
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