

New member
As someone who's experienced social anxiety all through life, from time to time i look back, and i start to regret not doing a lot of things because of it. Which usually turns into resentment towards my parents for not ever considering that i needed some help with this, no matter how i tried to explain it to them. I remember my mom telling me on numerous occasions that i was just depressed, or that i should stop feeling sorry for myself because she assumed i would just grow out of it. Neither of them could understand how i could possibly be that afraid of gong to school.
Does anyone else have thoughts like that?


Well-known member

Hi welcome to the site double OH Seven.LOL

I use to have feeling of resentment. Actualy you ll notice most people on this site avoid people from their past because they feel like they havent acomplish much in life. So if you run into someone from your past they might start asking akward question like are you maried? Where do you work? Do you have ..etc..etc.

The only thing we can do is to remember that at the time we did the best we could with the tools we had to work with at the time.

Dont blame your parents too much because they didnt know beter. Heck most of us who have anxiety barely know anything about anxiety and we are the one who have it. So you can imigine how little someone who doesnt have will know. Check your private message. I sent you something.