Reporter with GAD needs a little help


New member
Hi all,
My name is Eddie Burkhalter and I was diagnosed at a local mental health clinic in 2009 with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and major depression. That was in college, which I started a bit late in life. Now I'm working, unbelievably, as a journalist at a daily newspaper in Anniston, Alabama.

The thing is, I'm not doing very well. I began at a local weekly and worked my way up to the daily. I left college before my last semester after having gotten the job at the paper. Now I'm concidering going back to school to get my BSW. Making tough phone calls while being surrounded by young - I'm 38 - tallented reporters is just too much.

I've been avoiding hard phone interviews, drudging through meetings I have to cover, going home in pain from hours of tension. And I drink too much in the evenings, or did before I stopped last week.

I'm looking for a job that I can take to get me through until I graduate, then I really dont know what I'll do. I can make double the pay as a social worker for the state, but I don't kid myself in thinking that willbe easier than being a journalist.

I've decided that before I leave I want to write a longform piece on anxiety disorders, telling the stories of others as well as my own. I got a go-ahead from my features editor, who also suffered from undiagnosed anxiety problems and has learned to deal with it, a little, through the years. We talk occasionally about it.

I had one longform story on Southern Flight 242, the plane that crashed at my childhood home, hit last year. I have no idea what may become of this story, but I suspect it could touch a lot of people, and hopefully help them, in some way.

So I'm looking to connect with others who can help me spread awarness about anxiety by telling me their own stories. This can be done using first names only, if one prefers.

I' m going to be putting myself out there in a big way - both in front of my readers and my coworkers - but I don't expect anyone else to do so unless they want to.

If anyone would like to help me, I'd love to talk, either by phone or by email or both. We have an opportunity to do some good for people, who like me, suffered for decades before even knowing what I was suffering from. I'm planning to begin getting professional help myself soon, but have no idea how I'll pay for it. But that's another worry for another day.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope to hear from some of you soon.
Eddie Burkhalter
The Anniston Star
[email protected]
Office: 256-235-3563
Cell: 256-689-8783


New member
I have GAD. I think your very brave to share this and the endeavour your taking go out with a bang! Go our on a real close to your mind and heart topic. I'll volunteer. I love journalism. I'm betting the freedom in writing IA your salvation but along with that gift you have life with making phone calls and interviews. I play Roller Derby. Did, now I go to practices and events but I went from shadows on the wall to spotlight in less than a month. Totally love it and the complete opposite. An article was written that spurred more attention in our region to me and my Team. Literally was small town famous and it was difficult. The article was about living a proactive life with an anxiety disorder. From that article, now a year later and from that day it was so many other Moms and folks from this town and online have said, wow, I have anxiety, I have....and thank you for letting that article be written. I don't feel alone. I have those odd habits too. We get to talking and realize that that was my treatment in a way. Not just talking to people but understanding people to understand myself. I think free lance writing and social work can go hand in hand. Good luck and I hope you'll share your piece with all of us.