Relieved a little but a long way to go?


Hi everyone, you might be tired of reading ppls stories by now but here's a lil of mine:

I'm now 25 and I guess I've had hh since adolecence, I don't remember exactly when I started dripping but that would seem about right. I say I guess I've had it because today is the first day I've ever known it was a real symptom (I'm still just happy to know that there are people out there that sweat just as much as I do)

After a little research it seems I have hh all over, I will sweat from armpits, face, butt (yeah I've seen it mentioned once or twice) thighs, but most of all from hands and feet. I got tired of hearing that sweating was normal, that I just needed to use anti-persperant (you think I didn't try that?) and that it can't be a real problem.

I don't know what made me start looking into it today, but I literally typed "I sweat too much" into google and after a few tried links found out about hh, eventually I came around to here. And let me tell you I actually cried when I found out there are people just like me and there are ways of treating/dealing with this and some of them are getting on with their lives.

So that's the relieved part of my thread, I guess my question is to those of you that have been through this, is where should I start? I've seen lots of remedies/things to try/products etc. and I'm a lil overwhelmed at this point. I am unemployed because hh is stopping me going for jobs that I could do because I don't want to leave sweat dripping on cash registers, or have papers get all curled up with my sweat or the worst one, have to shake many hands in a day.

I guess I'm most concerned about reducing the sweat from my hands first.. then feet, because they are where it's most severe, facial, trunkal and axillary sweating is mild compared to my hands and feet. I'm sick of telling people "yeah, sorry, I just washed my hands" or pretending that I don't know why my friend's keyboard/mouse/game controller is so wet.

right now I'm dry (hallelujah) but then it's still early march (London UK here btw) and I'm inside bare-footed in just tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. I know for a fact that if I were to get fully dressed and head out.. I'd be dripping.

So anyway, sorry for the ramble (I just like doing it :p) and I hope someone can just give me a few pointers of where to start and how to progress from there (the unemployed part of my post suggests I'm virtually broke btw, which is another concern)



Well-known member
feel for u dude aint easy
im in job and hate it as HH on me mind constantly and always having to get into horrible situations like meetings stuck in a hot room etc
have u been to the doctors yet ?
they are always good option to start as they can tell u bit more about it and options etc...
i gota get some kip meself right now lol but ill be happy to give more advice from my experiences tomorrow


Well-known member

hey, yeah it is overwhelming for me too with all these apparent treatments etc, i get HH mainly in my underarms, hands and feet but i still carry out my day to day life cos i've (and probs everyone else on here) have learnt to adapt to this damn curse and i know what to wear that wont make my HH stand out so much. i quit my job after 6 months and that was my 2nd job, sometimes i just ignoreer my HH cos people without it cant exactly shout at me for having it.
do u still live with your parents then? if u havent got a job? sorry if thats too much of a nosey question but i always wonder what i will be doing when i'm in my twenties.
i hate the summer! i prefer winter cos i can wear baggy jumpers and keep my jacket on in uni lectures. maybe wear fingerless gloves? thats what i do. ive known ive had HH since I was about 14 and I had it when I was 12 and now I'm 18 but I still haven't done much about it. My doc was crap and my parents didnt listen all those years ago when I told them so they must assume its gone cos I dont complain about it to them anymore. If u ever wanna chat, you can always message me on here or something cos I've made a few friends on here from the UK and its always good to have someone to chat to who knows ur problem cos apart from them, no one knows about my HH except for me (or my friends and bf know and they dont wanna tell me that they know).

Soz i rambled on :)



Well, I've booked in for the docs on monday, now let's just hope the old bat has even heard of it and if not is willing to listen :roll:

I've had jobs in the past and I've just dealt with it before, even when you notice ppl wiping their hands after you shake with them etc. they rarely say anything and are prolly just too embarrased to, doesn't help how embarrased I get, not to mention more conscious of my sweat and therefore end up sweating more :p

Grissom, be as nosey as you want hon, I'm a pretty up front person. Yeah I'm still living with my parents atm, but I do have plans for moving out... way out actually. I met my girlfriend online and she's from the states (living in Alabama atm) and I'm hoping to move there within the year. That's partly why I want to get this hh crap sorted out so I've got the confidewnce to get a job and fund myself getting there. Not to mention the kind of temps it gets to in the summer over there 8O

Looking back, the first time I can pin-point being extra sweaty and remembering it, was at a sleepover party when I was 13. woke up in the morning holding this girls hand and.. well yeah, needless to say it dint go much further than that :lol:

that's almost 13 years of this shit and I've only just found out what it is I actually have



hi guys, we all share the same problem. I have HH since 14 years old, the high school days. And when i grow older it seems to spread and becomes worse. I sweat a lot in the nose, mustach area, feet, butt and hands. I've been fighting these disease for 9 years, I've stop a couple of years in school because of this, and my only treatment was proper diet, exercise and overcoming social anxiety and depression. Btw im 23 now, 2nd year college taking up BS COMSCI and a working student, because I live in a poor country. I just found these forums last week and i'm very happy because there are possible treatment besides the ETS surgery. I just bought dryclor and ill try it this evening and hoping this would help.

Don't let HH win in your life. Be positive and keep fighting, If your really depressed about your situations in life. I can share my experienced too if you want a good lesson. I've been into the worst nightmare situations you can imagine.


Ok here's a lil update: Went to the docs yesterday, he was actually pretty good, he still gave me the "other people probably won't notice it as much as you do" line, which, to be fair is true, but not in the way that he was thinking it. Looking back I should have asked him to shake my hand after saying that then asking how noticable it was :lol:

He did prescribe me propranolol for anxiety which I can take if I'm gonna be getting into an interview situation or similar, hopefully that will help stop the hh spiralling out of control through any stress, we will see.

I also emptied my bank account today and got hold of Driclor and perspirex in a lotion, driclor I've seen mentioned here quite a lot, anyone tried perspirex? I'll see how it works for me. Couldn't find odaban anywhere (boots, superdrug and two chemists)

I talked with my doc a little about iontopheresis and he was under the assumption that if I wanted to do that I would have to do it privately or just bite the bullet and buy a machine and try it myself. Anyone (in the UK) been able to get iontopheresis under the NHS?


I've tried driclor last night and when i woke up, It feels itchy in my hands, after washing it, the itchiness was gone. Hoping the sweat in my hands will be gone, but it didn't, damned hands.

I'll try again tonight :D