It has occured to me, and probably not for the first time,
the only way to get through SA is exposure and non avoidance. The trouble is that with limited social skills and the mind freeze that accompanies angst, there is going to be a hell of a lot of rejection to get there.
How does one armour against rejection? I get rejected every day. I study Chinese with international students. Japanese, Malaysian, Europeans, they look through me. Why? I try hard, then get rejected, then sink into my shell, then come back, rejection. Maybe I'm overestimating the rejection. But, when I make deliberate eye contact with some one and attempt to smile. Then if there is no flicker of response, then perhaps that is rejection.
I fret I look too tough, with green cargos and a skull cap, muscle shirts. I don't aim to intimidate, but its easier to take rejection when you tell yourself its because they are scared.
What is the cost to me to be continually rejected, how hard it is to maintain a self esteem, when other's don't have esteem for you.
The only thing is to take smaller steps than the ones I take. Remind myself continually that I have SA, and that I am working to get through it. My plight is relative, as needs to be my progress. My aspirations are beyond loniliness, the cost is rejection. How we learn is through mistakes, this holds true with people. The pain from mistakes with people is real and intense. Do we develop a callous around our hearts from continually taking damage. What is the cost of that?
the only way to get through SA is exposure and non avoidance. The trouble is that with limited social skills and the mind freeze that accompanies angst, there is going to be a hell of a lot of rejection to get there.
How does one armour against rejection? I get rejected every day. I study Chinese with international students. Japanese, Malaysian, Europeans, they look through me. Why? I try hard, then get rejected, then sink into my shell, then come back, rejection. Maybe I'm overestimating the rejection. But, when I make deliberate eye contact with some one and attempt to smile. Then if there is no flicker of response, then perhaps that is rejection.
I fret I look too tough, with green cargos and a skull cap, muscle shirts. I don't aim to intimidate, but its easier to take rejection when you tell yourself its because they are scared.
What is the cost to me to be continually rejected, how hard it is to maintain a self esteem, when other's don't have esteem for you.
The only thing is to take smaller steps than the ones I take. Remind myself continually that I have SA, and that I am working to get through it. My plight is relative, as needs to be my progress. My aspirations are beyond loniliness, the cost is rejection. How we learn is through mistakes, this holds true with people. The pain from mistakes with people is real and intense. Do we develop a callous around our hearts from continually taking damage. What is the cost of that?