Reel life and so much better then real life!

Reel life is so much better then real life!!

I have no friends, am alone always and have been for years and years and years. So, all I do is stay on the internet, which is the only enjoyment I have but, it is so lonely and, of course never get E-mails and when any come its just stupid worthless junk. Am sure this is the same for many of you too.

The only other thing is I watch my movies as I have a little over a thousand DVDs and these bring me enjoyment. TV is to me, VERY boring, all junk and so, my DVD movies give me a lot of enjoyment and, you know, there is a saying I made up which to me is so very true and ,maybe it is for you too and it is:


And you know, when I watch the type of movies that make me feel good, the kind where you wish somehow you could just jump into the screen and be with those you are watching cause they are having fun and are happy and ,it just makes me wish there was some kind of magic that could just transfer me into the TV to be with them! They all seem so friendly and seem like they would like me a lot. I am sure you also have wished this as I cannot be the only one that wishes this to happen! I would stay with them for always!!

Each day its the same boring routine tho, with the same boring stuff always going on and, its always so lonely for me. What a waste of life I am because always being alone, and just getting older and older and, having no friends, and, I am just one of those types that for some reason no one likes. Always makes me wonder why the heck I was ever born and, like my name says, I am and have always been a total NOBODY!!

I am one of the older people here, I am 48 and also, girls never liked me and, I am about the last virgin living.

And oh, I may as well mention that all thru life, from the time being in school to the few jobs I have had, there was ALWAYS stupid idiots that would make fun of me, and make my life worse then it allready was!! Yep, I am one of the very unlucky ones in life!No one at jobs liked me, just made a fool of me and same thing with school!

And you know how you would try to fit in, and when you tried this, stupid people would take advantage of you? Well they sure nuff did this to me like, for example, at a job I once worked at, the jerks there had me go look for a can of "spotted paint" and so me, wanting to be liked, did not even realize there was no such thing and so I went to different stores looking for it and never finding it and so, whenI went back to where I worked and told them I could not find it, they then said "theres no such thing!" and all laughed and laughed and I about cried. I am so emotional and sensitive, and stupid people have hurt me so much in this stupid life!!!!!!!!!!

I cry so easy and, watching emotional type movies make me tear up easy.

And now I want to say this: WHY is it everyone else all seem to have life so good and have tons of friends and are well liked and, sure seem to never have been made fun of or made a fool of like I always have been??? it aint fair!!!!!!!!!!

Well anyways, heres something else I need to mention: Do you ever, when you go to bed, say to yourself or out loud that you hope so much that tomorrow will be a day where something totally different will happen for you and that it will be exciting and everything? Well course when the next day comes and you wake up, what happens? Yep, NOTHING but the same ol' boring stuff, nothing different happens.

And ok, who else.besides me looks forward each day for the mail to come? I have always been anxious for it in hopes maybe, just maybe I will have something good but of course, what comes? Just stupid boring junk and stupid boring bills!! No surprises ever come and the only way anything good will come is if you spend money to get something. So, the days when I have something coming in, which for me is just DVDs, I get excited as all I have in my life to enjoy are DVDs and so, being able to get more to add to my collection just makes me happy!

When each day the mail is just junk, to get my frustrations out, I just take the junk and tear it up real good and I always swear when I do this, it helps me feel better somewhat. I always wish when I see the mailman walking here that this time, there will be something real good but, like I mentioned, all that comes 99.9% of the time is stupid boring worthless junk!!!!!!!

So, my routine daily is the same thing, its like watching the same movie over and over and over,its always the same thing day after day after day after week after week after week after month after year after year!!!!!!!!!

And as I had said, all I am doing is getting older and older and older and its such a boring ho hum life and so lonely and always alone and no friends.

I always question God as to why he had me created when he knew I would have this stupid life of always alone and people always making fun of me and just all things bad.

If God indeed did know us all even before we were born,I just always wonder WHY he bothered to have us born. He knows our lives from the beginning to the end and so, why then if he knows it all, let us be born and have to live this rotten life we have?????? I cannot see any reason at all.

Well I have said a lot here and I could say lots more. I do thank you for taking time to read this. It sure does help to tell others how you feel.
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Well-known member
Yes well like you I have no friends in real life and the only socializing I do is on the net. I have a few good friends on the net, but obviously our relationships are only limited to letters, words and phrases. But I suppose it's better than nothing.

For me I drown away my existence, my reality by watching TV. 95 % of the time it's sport and the rest is to catch a movie or series once in a while. It makes me forget about my pathetic existence, one to which like you I question the validity and meaning of.

I guess I will always be alone and probably die alone and die a virgin because of my religious beliefs. Basically I know what's coming and I spend my time trying to stop the inevitable. But now I just give up...

I'm tired of trying and only making a bigger fool of myself. So I'm just gonna be content with being alone. I guess it's the best I can do. I have faced so many humiliating moments in my life, I don't think that anyone in the world can come close to my absolute ridicule. So I guess I question my existence too. But all it does is make me older and no closer to finding a way out.

So yes my life is better in reel instead of real, although I'm not really a movie nut, but a tv nut. At least you can take heart from the fact that you're not alone. I guess there are more people like us then we believe.