joshueg said:
Thank u, kevj, for all your advices. I have took note on them. :wink:
What would you do if you are talking with another person and you start feeling extremely anxious???
how can you control it???
is there a kind of trick or anything i could do in orde to keep my fear under control?=??
Thanks for everything. :wink:
You're welcome 'joshueg'. I still feel anxious sometimes when talking to people

but it rarely effects me to the level it once did. I'm not 100% natural yet but I'm working on it.
There's no special trick, except practice. It's taken years of social conditioning to get you into the socially anxious person you are, so it's going to take a while to drop all that - so no, no quick fixes. The easiest thing is to practice breathing, and NOTICING your breathing (hard but fruitful in the long run). Begin practicing noticing everything, your heart as it begins to race, your face warming up, shaking and importantly the things you HEAR in your head like, "she won't like me / I look stupid / she can see I'm scared, what a fool I am" etc. - all the reactions you get when you meet people. Now, here's the key - as you NOTICE these things PRACTICE not judging or actually thinking ABOUT them. Just NOTICE them, "ah, my heart is speeding up.....oh that's my face getting red, oh the voices are saying 'someone doesn't like me'...hmmmm interesting".
Be curious about what is actually going on with you. Study it like you are a scientist conducting an experiment. Over time you will start to SEE and EXPERIENCE what your SA actually is. You'll see that all your SA is is a whole bunch of cruel, unhelpful and meaningless voices and your belief and subsequent reaction to them. That's it! It's all pure illusion. But right now you think it's all real. The only way to see SA for what it is is to practice; Breathing, noticing and non-judgement.
Try it and tell me what you think.
BTW The best way to reinforce this process is to start an awareness meditation practice.
Happy to answer other questions...