Real weird condition of me


Well-known member
My father has enormous over heat issues , and he sweats just on think of some manual labor (Although, unlike me - he even do this type of work , besides highly intelectual a lot)

So, he is almost constantly warm and sweathing - and he doesnt complain and he is not feeleing bother bout that

My mother sometimes has a very cold feet and hands.

My condition is annoying combo that makes me MAD !- my head is burning, my torso , my legs, but my feet and hands are cold - and i m shaking ! Recently i sweat profoundously under arms- so it is cold out there when that area is wet (It is -10c out there). At the same time i m burning and feeling cold.

It is so debilitating, i cant function fuck it ! Has anyone to say anything about this strange condition? I m totally furious


Well-known member
Is it always this way for you?

What i mean is, is your head always hot and your feet always cold?

Are there variables that change the condition like stress or temperature.

There are different body types where one type always feels hot and the other always feels cold. Your situation is interesting. Sorry it's such an inconvenience for you.


rado, I can relate to your circumstances. My mother also feels cold alot, (her hands and feet are always cold). My father is usually very warm (he Used to sweat alot, but not so much anymore he says).

To tell you my experience, I've always had pretty cold hands and feet while my armpits are sweating uncontrollably.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this combination of hot/cold is caused first by the body being hot, so you react by sweating. Your body tries to regulate its temperature by sweating. We naturally have alot of sweat glands concentrated on the hands/feet/underarms. Since our body thinks its hot, we sweat in those areas. The sweat evaporating/leaving your hands and feet make them feel cold. Additionally, we sometimes feel insecure about the sweat so that makes us nervous, adding to the cold sweat on the hands/feet.

I don't know if that is entirely accurate, but it's how I've come to understand why I sweat the way that I do/did. (Also, I think a lack of blood circulation in the hands/feet can cause them to be cold, which could add to the problem)