

New member
I have a problem which really terrorized my childhood. In fact, I'm sure that I am not healed, but I permanently avoided to face with it in the last 10 years. The basic ideea is that I can't say the words that people expect me to say. So, when I was 12-14, I couldn't read the lesson in front of my colleagues, I was just pronuncing few letters ddd... then made a pause .ooo...made a pause...g . That was <dog> :D
Now, I grow up, and it's easy for me imagine that I can improvise a speech - but to read one from a peace of paper seems imposible!. Anybody heard about this strange "read a text disease"?


Well-known member
I don't know if I had dyslexia but all through elementary shcool I sufferd bad speech problem.So I know how you feel.I still do have probelms with some words.


New member
Thanx for your responses. Maybe it is dyslexia, or maybe not. I don't have these problems only with reading, but the described situation is true even if I have to say some predefined words ( e.g if someone ask me to call a person and tell a certain phrase like "Good morning, I'm Matt XXX, a friend of YYY. Could you please help me in this issue?". I can't do this, even if there are only 4-5 words... If I could call that person and speak freely, and not to follow some imposed phrases, everything it's OK for me. That's the big difference...


Well-known member
I beleive you negativly neuro-associated a great deal of fear to reading in front of people. Can you read to yourself in your mind alone, without people present?

If so a good solution would be to practice reading out loud by yourself, then do it infront of a mirror, then parents, then understanding respectable friends

keep working up the ladder, but break this hard task into small doable steps and give yourself credit, pat your self on the back the better you become.

Im sorry if im always so technical guys, but I beleive this stuff works. Ill read it try it out and amazingly the things work well.

Ill be posting up another forum on neuro-associations. If you would like to know a little more about it.


Well-known member
use eft for your phobia.
its kind of acupresuure without needles. it should help instantly. do the fet-tapping sequency when you are exposed to the fear. for me it worked


Well-known member
I have a speech problem and I have tough difficulty reading academic papers at university. Somehow I survived three years with this problem.