Reaction to Driclor. What to do?


New member
So about 2 weeks ago I bought Driclor because I sweat too much from my hands. I used it the first 2 nights and it worked amazingly well.

Unless I thought a lot about it, the sweat wouldn't come until the afternoon, and when it did, it would come in very small amounts, especially on the fingertips and the "outer" part of my hand.

I kept using it and I noticed that my palm kept getting drier and drier (heavy white lines appearing) and the back of my fingers (the bones and the connections) were also being affected because I didn't protect them when I applied Driclor.

After 6 days of using it, my sweat was greatly reduced, although my fingertips were still sweaty and so was the my "outer palm", which is kinda annoying. By then the back of my hand was very irritated but I still used it. I couldn't sleep with the pain it was causing so I ended up washing it off and never used it again since and I'm now on treatment for the back part of my hands.

The thing is, I don't know what to do. Having sweaty hands is a very tricky thing and this doesn't help at all. On one side, switching to another softer product could be a good thing to reduce reactions, but on the other side, after 6 days in a row with Driclor I was still sweating, so maybe it was too weak.

I've been thinking of restarting using Driclor after the back of my hand is healed, but this time I will try to find something to protect it with (since my palm doesn't cause me any pain) and use a moisturizer everyday after removing Driclor. And then when it runs out, I'll go out and try to find something else.

My question is what recommendations you have and whether or not it makes sense to go look for something else if it had to be stronger when DriClor caused me such a reaction.


I've used DriClor before and its pretty horrible. I used it for my underarms and often the stinging was too bad for me to sleep. However I think this is just due to the formulation of DriClor, I had success with other weaker products that didn't cause the chemical burn.

Specifically I switched to Odaban, but these days I use sure maximum protection, it takes about a month of nightly use to build up to full effectiveness but once it does I have no complaints.

As for why DriClor causes the burn I think I once read that when combined with water it forms a hydrochloric acid, if that right then its a pretty big drawback.

Personally my recommendation for hand sweating would be to abandon antiperspirants and look at ionto or ets.