Re: Has anyone overcome sa for a short space of time?


Well-known member
Re: Has anyone overcome sa for a short space of time?


I wonder if anyone here has ever believed that they overcame social anxiety, even if the feeling only lasted for a little while?

If so, can you remember what it was that helped you feel that way.
Re: Has anyone overcome sa for a short space of time?

The major factor for me was exercise. Exercise is one thing that truly helps with confidence. I truly believe that was the thing that helped me beat my depression. Also, it helped me control my anxiety more.


Well-known member
for the time i was on paxil (i'm quiting now) i was just fine. i learned to deal and absolutely forced myself to learn to do things i had to do like having a job and such.

i noticed before going to a party last weekend my heart started racing. it was so alien to me all of a sudden because for the past... 8 months maybe i've been great! and now the anxiety is all coming back as well as the depression and i wonder if i have generalized anxiety. i am just all around anxious. out of the blue even with a friend not going anywhere or anything i start worrying about the future and my heart was racing and i was hyperventalating and crying for no reason

i think that might have something to do with the withdrawal affects but nonethelss, the anxiety is coming back and i've having to relearn how to deal - which i'm prepared to do.i hate the pills. and they've given me the confidense that i needed to get me on my feet.

also i've changed my diet and started excercising - so far i've lost 5 lbs. and built some muscle - i'm that person that hates hates hates exercise but i do it every morning now and it really does help the depression and anxiety.


Well-known member
One thing we should resist is the hope that there is an immediate, silver-bullet solution to social anxiety and that, if we just had it, we would "do things the right way" and "no longer be anxious, pained, or make mistakes in social settings."

Anxiety is a part of living. Pain is a part of learning. Mistakes are a part of doing. These things will never go away, and it is this very fantasy -- that somehow we could live a life without anxiety, pain or mistakes -- that creates the problems that we are experiencing.

The thought that somehow there is a mode of existence that you could shift into, where you could live and learn and do without challenge, fear, pain, and conflict is the very approach to life that cripples our ability to deal with challenge, fear, pain and conflict as it arises.

As hard as it is to accept, as paradoxical as it may seem, the one way to be healed of social anxiety disorder, is to finally accept that this is a life-long affliction. You will never recover, you will only learn strategies of managing it. If you finally accept that you will never be healed -- at that moment you will have been healed.

There is no cure for life except more life.


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
also i've changed my diet and started excercising - so far i've lost 5 lbs. and built some muscle - i'm that person that hates hates hates exercise but i do it every morning now and it really does help the depression and anxiety.

Congrats on your weight loss!


Well-known member

It's good to have a positive attitude towards combating sa through exercising and I've heard more than one person say that it helps with depression. What type of exercise do you do?


Well-known member
I felt very confident for about 2 mins of my life LOL, in the scariest situation!

When I was 18, my parents took me on holiday to Butlins. I dreaded the day my birthday arrived when we went in the dining room, cos things looked fishy. Well we walked in & I thougth I was safe until we sat down and there were huge balloons attached to my chair

I was so embarrased!

Then some redcoats came round doing birthdays and I thougth OH SHIT, please dont know its my birthday!!!

But they had!!!!

I had to stand on a chair & everyone (about 150-200 ppl) were looking up at me, grinning & singing happy birthday! Standing up on that chair, I actually felt very confident. I dont know why, maybe it was because I didnt feel I was being left out & that people were helping me fit in :)


Well-known member

I think that you felt confident because the attention you were getting was positive. Good for you.



Well-known member
thanks Angie, and the workout that i do is... dun dun DUN - i go to the gym. my dreaded fear.

but i go with a friend and i try to do the stairstepper for 45 min or the bike for the same amount. sometimes it's 15 stair, 20 bike, you get the idea. it helps!


I had overcome SA for about 2 weeks & I felt GREAT! (I tried something really weird but anyway)...Then it came back. & it hurt alot...

Anyway, I'm planning to attempt the same thing again soon. We'll see how it goes.
Shyguest said:

It's good to have a positive attitude towards combating sa through exercising and I've heard more than one person say that it helps with depression. What type of exercise do you do?

At the moment I use an indoor rowing-machine as it's too cold to go out and run.

Zipper said:
One thing we should resist is the hope that there is an immediate, silver-bullet solution to social anxiety

Agreed. Beating anxiety is a long-term thing. There's no miracle cure.


Shyguest said:

Are you willing to share with us what that technique was?

I don't mind sharing that with ppl on SPW (on the contrary, I'd be really happy to help anyone in any way I can) but:::: I'm not sure about how ppl will react... This technique may not seem weird to me, but it's definitely weird for other ppl so...

[Besides, I didn't prove that it was successfull. I'll try doing the same thing again, & just like I said before, we'll see how it goes. If I manage to get over it, you guys will be the first to know, I Promise! I can't risk giving you any advice which might make things worse for any of you -I'll be the guinea pig :idea: ]


Well-known member

It's always nice to hear about ways of coping with social anxiety. So, if anyone has anything they like to add, please let us know what it is. :wink: