One thing we should resist is the hope that there is an immediate, silver-bullet solution to social anxiety and that, if we just had it, we would "do things the right way" and "no longer be anxious, pained, or make mistakes in social settings."
Anxiety is a part of living. Pain is a part of learning. Mistakes are a part of doing. These things will never go away, and it is this very fantasy -- that somehow we could live a life without anxiety, pain or mistakes -- that creates the problems that we are experiencing.
The thought that somehow there is a mode of existence that you could shift into, where you could live and learn and do without challenge, fear, pain, and conflict is the very approach to life that cripples our ability to deal with challenge, fear, pain and conflict as it arises.
As hard as it is to accept, as paradoxical as it may seem, the one way to be healed of social anxiety disorder, is to finally accept that this is a life-long affliction. You will never recover, you will only learn strategies of managing it. If you finally accept that you will never be healed -- at that moment you will have been healed.
There is no cure for life except more life.