r there any pills to help stop sweat on the hands and feet?


Well-known member
i've read in some posts that there are but i think the people that used them had facial hyperhidrosis. i only have hand/feet/armpit hyperhidrosis. are there any pills that can help in my case? also, will crushing them in my ionto machine work better than taking them orally? thanks in advance guys...


Klonopin makes my hands stop sweatin but I think the sweating was caused by the Klonopin. I know, its fucked!



Well-known member
Re: r there any pills to help stop sweat on the hands and fe

hinder87 said:
are there any pills? - will crushing them in my ionto work better ?

Yes there are many. It seems they´re becoming the better part of Canada´s export articles, since the rest of the world seem to find them too dangerous without prescription. They´re made with extracts of the Deadly Nightshade, which also dull your nerve system in general, not just your sweat glands. Some people will probably love that. Even with a prescription they seem like a bad idea. Crushing oral medications into your ionto is not going to work, since they can´t dissolve very well in water. Pinker managed to get some Robinul solution on prescription for ionto use, but the active ingredient can actually enter your body through the skin, so the solution for ionto will have the same side effects, dulling your central nervous system just the same as the oral medicine.


I remember taking robinul forte twice a day which had stopped my sweating but had such negative side effects such as dizziness and extreme dry mouth and ended up stopping because I couldn't take it any more.


Well-known member
did u guys have any side effects of the eyes or ears? like, dryness in the eyes and muffled hearing or anything like that? ive had problems with my right ear because of an ear infection there. also, how long do the side effects last?


Well-known member
also, i forgot to ask one more question: how long does it take until u get effects? do u take it just once and it works after like a couple of minutes? or do u have to take it for like two weeks until u see results? and where can i buy these? also, does avert work as good as robinul? thanks.