

Hey ya'll I have a question on my condition. I have known that i have had HH for about 5-6 years. I suffer from HH in my hands, feet, axillary, and scalp. My question is what actually is HH. Is it a constant sweating that is there most of the day? If this is true then I definetly suffer from HH through my hands and feet. But my head and scalp is usually not constant, it usually happens thru heat and stressfull situations. Most of the time my scalp and head sweat is rare. So do you guys think I have HH of the scalp or is it just anxiety of the situation I have to deal with.


Well-known member
The answer is almost irrelevant actually because you have what you have.

My opinion is, from the little contained in the thread, that you probably do have HH on the face and scalp. This is also my form of HH. It is not constant, though can be in the summer or when exerting yourself. At this time of year I get it when exercising, doing DIY, going through the tube in London, just after walking to a meeting and sometimes eating out at a restuarant.

In the heat of summer I can get this at any time on the head and face which can literally stream with sweat with little if any other stimulation.