question for you all social anxiety ppl


Well-known member
Does anyone one of you feel heavyness on any part of your body and when i say heavyness i mean unusually heavy at any given point in time? Does anybody get tingling feelings anywear? Please let me know thanks.


Well-known member
wow.... :roll: this doesn't sound like anything I've experienced from my anxiety disorders... I've had/have tingling in my hands (going to sleep) back this is from nerve damage (carpal tunnel syndrome).

By heaviness, do you mean actual weight, or are you referring to heavy as a 'burden'?

When I have an anxiety or panick attack, 1st-- I can't seem to get my breath or enough 'good' air, I lose my train of thought and feel extremely over heated. I begin to shake, you can see my hands shake, but my entire body feels as if it's shaking. I get weak, nauseous and need to sit down or lay down until it passes. :? :cry:

Almost anything will cause an atack to come on, I sometimes realize after the attack is over that I was subconsiously thinking of something stressful that undoubtably caused it. :(

When I have a lot to get done, or needs to get done, or some one is depending on me to fullfill an obligation, or I need to go anywhere where there is people... I am at risk for an attack to take place. :cry:


New member

Tingling? Absolutely. It especially feels at its worse when I am trying to sleep. My whole body seems to feel as if it is alight, the nerves tingling continuously. I also have sparks flying across my vision, and sometimes I feel as if I am floating.
Mad? Could be, but I am learning to deal with it. Relaxation withough medication is impossible.
You are not alone!! :D


Well-known member
Yeah definately, i mainly get in when I am stricken with anxiety and I get it in my knees, where do you get it?


Well-known member
Hi, Mtango103 and Anxious Rich!

I remember when I had panic attacks in high school and college. I had a tingling feeling on my back. It was like I was getting pricked with a thousand small needels. It was weird. I called it my "Spidey-sense." I would usually feel it if 'something went wrong. ' (Usually, I would think I p#ssed someone off or that I was getting made fun of.)

I'm not sure what you mean about the 'heaviness.' I remember that my abs, shoulders and the muscles around my face were always tense. In social situations, they would tense up even more (I could feel it). After a while, the 'tenseness' would tire me out. There is only so much adrenaline that the body can take for a prolonged period. At that time (usually at the end of the day), I would be exhausted, my body would ache (I guess my body felt heavy). I would usually try to sleep it off.


Well-known member
after an attack i always find my jaw and face are really tense and painful, but i think thats from clenching my teeth.
a heavyness..not really, but i get tingling in my arms and chest, wherei feel i cant breathe. i odnt know if thats what youre describing