wow.... :roll: this doesn't sound like anything I've experienced from my anxiety disorders... I've had/have tingling in my hands (going to sleep) back this is from nerve damage (carpal tunnel syndrome).
By heaviness, do you mean actual weight, or are you referring to heavy as a 'burden'?
When I have an anxiety or panick attack, 1st-- I can't seem to get my breath or enough 'good' air, I lose my train of thought and feel extremely over heated. I begin to shake, you can see my hands shake, but my entire body feels as if it's shaking. I get weak, nauseous and need to sit down or lay down until it passes. :?
Almost anything will cause an atack to come on, I sometimes realize after the attack is over that I was subconsiously thinking of something stressful that undoubtably caused it.
When I have a lot to get done, or needs to get done, or some one is depending on me to fullfill an obligation, or I need to go anywhere where there is people... I am at risk for an attack to take place.