Question For Idromed 4 Users


What level of dryness on your hands are you achieving?

I am currently using a lotion called PerspireX and no matter how many weeks I used it, it will never dry the tips of my fingers and specific spots around the palms which is enough to hinder my work (drawing).

For those using Idromed 4, are there any spots on the palm that refuses to dry even after 1 week of use?

I live in Malaysia by the way and it doesn't seem like there're any shops around here that sells it.


I tried using perspirex. driclor and anhydrol forte and none of them worked. But i brought the idromed4 about two weeks ago and so far so good!!!
Apart from when it's really really hot or I'm nervous then the fingertips get slightly damp - but only a tiny bit and compared to before it's nothing. I'm not sure how bad my hands were before compared to other people but I think it's worth a try!


Active member
How do I know which one to get the AC or the DC one???

I'm pretty sure our mains here are 240V AC does that make a difference


I have the DC one - the AC is supposed to be for more sensitive hands or children but I think it's more it's up to you really.


Active member
But no problems in like plugging into the mains?? Just get an adapter or something to use ?


Active member
Does the manual tell you how you should start the program or what??

It's like 3 15 minute sessions in the first week or something right?