question for Avert users


New member
hi all. new poster here (although i've been reading the forum for years). i've read up quite a bit on Avert (glycopyrrolate) and the dermatologist prescribe it for me (sweaty hands, feet, pits, chest/back to a lesser degree). she started me on a low dose - 1 mg - and, based on other posts, it seems that will probably have to at least be doubled to get some results.

i have also read a bit about timing and consumption of the medication. many posters have said it works best on an empty stomach.

so, you avert users out there: what is your medication schedule regarding meals and what dose do you use? do you take it before a meal (and if so how long before) or after etc...?

thanks for the help!


Well-known member
I've been using it for just under a week now and it seems to work best if you take it in the morning at least an hour before breakfast or 2-3 hours after any meal.