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I taking a speech class and it makes my shyness go on overdrive. Even if I imagine that nothing will go wrong when actually I do the speech there is still this panically feeling going aroud inside me. It makes me want to stand in front of the video camera like a statue and force the words out of my mouth. However, it never works and I end up saying nothing for the last five minutes while my mind starts to go blank, even though, I have the paper right in front of me. :x It can be both a tiring and nerve - wreaking experience that happens every time I try to step up in the front the video camera, even thinking about it makes me sick.
I have been extreme shy since I was 1yrs old. I hid when relatives come over and always hate to have my picture taking or being shown on a video camera. My basic reaction to these situations was to blush until I looked like tomato
or run away til the situation has ended. But now, I can't simple run away from this classroom experience because I need this class to pass college and to rise my current GPA (2.5) to a 3.0. So, I'm stuck without a exit to escape from this situation.
I was hoping if anybody had advice on handling these kinds of situations, please anybody, or I might go crazy. 8O