Public speaking- grade


Well-known member
I just got back my first grade for my public speaking speech (an 'about us' speech.) I didn't do so hot. She asked me to stay for a second after class and just said if I wanted to practice to let her know. She is a nice teacher, but I am going to do terrible in this class. I got a D. Public Speaking is so hard because it is hard to study. You either are a good PS or you are not in my opinion. I can improve some, but I will never get an 'A' on a presentation. I just felt so bad driving home that I started to cry a little. It makes me so so sad that this comes so easily for others. I am a good student, but this is going to drag my GPA down. I wish it came easily.

Some things I did good on:
Rate of speaking
Language use
Visual Aids used

Some things I didn't do so good on:
Volume (too soft)
Some distracting gestures (pushing hair behinsd ears)
Attention getter

And here is the most embarrassing thing. I drank before class a little bit to calm my nerves and I still had bad nerves up there. I don't plan to do this next speech because sometimes I drink too much that it's embarrassing. I don't want that to happen in here. I just wanted to vent/share.


i definitely feel for you! public speaking is scary. i think it's brave of you to take that class, and you'll probably be better at it by the end of the class.

the best advice i ever got about public speaking was "talk to the back of the room." even though it feels like shouting, i think i actually speak at closer to the normal volume.

people have also told me to imagine the audience in their underwear (which hasn't worked yet) but it can't hurt, right?


Well-known member
Public speaking can be hard for a lot of people even the most confident people in the world can have a hard time talking in front of a group of people.
You'll probably get better at the more you do it and it will become an easier thing for you to do.I could never get in front of a class room of people and talk id be so nerves id probably pass out.


Well-known member
I wouldn't be taking this class if it were not a gen. education requirement! I do try to focus towards the back of the room and I think that is great advice. This class is just plain awful. I have had oral reports in other classes, but they weren't major parts of the grade.


Well-known member
that sucks that its a pretend i was mute to get out of having to do that class.


Active member
Sorry about how you felt Moonie after giving the presentation . I did give one presentation that didnt count and I felt terrible about it. I also have one comming up next week they will pick people randomly and we have to speak for 5 mins. I'm terrified my grade in all other subjects are 90's and high 80's. I don't know if I'll make it. :( I agree its so hard to improve on being a good speaker ur either got it or dont :( But i unno


Well-known member
If at the end of all of this you are a better public speaker, wouldnt it be worth it? Surely, you would have to answer yes?

If you can overcome 'the mother of all fears' then hey, go for it! After a few times you will be miles ahead of where you were previously. You will have changed for the better would you not agree?

You already have within you the seed of a great public speaker, it just needs to grow so that you can nurture it. To help it grow, you have to know where it is, its within. You just need to be comfortable on the inside to be a great speaker, then your presentation will magically handle itself. In fact you dont even need to be a great speaker to be a great speaker, sounds a little ironic but your presence will shine if you believe in yourself that where you are at is perfect for your development.

I'm not saying this is easy, on the contrary its very tough. Its good you cried because thats you healing, this can be as tough as any challenge but if you nail it, nothing will stop you. Forget getting an 'A', you get an 'A' for just doing it, you dont need to feel you should be beyond where you are at because the level you are pushing yourself is at maximum. So you are winning all the way. Before you get up to give the speech, you have already won, you have already got the 'A' because you cant do more than your best. Everyone else may be battling their demons also but how many of them have SA, thats a tough challenge, really tough, but you did it, you didnt die, you didnt collapse, forget how easy it seems to others, you are facing the mount everest of fears and have already succeeded, be happy about it, give yourself a well deserved pat on the back!

: - )


I'm a SA and feared that class. I dropped it three times (before the the w/drawal date of course). I finally took it a year ago and I rocked it. Unfortunately, the skill and charisma didn't carry onto my social life. Anyways, my tip for you is do your speeches on subjects you really have a passion for. That way, you'll actually have a desire to speak about it to other people.