psychiatrists r crap


Well-known member
went yesterday and they were so patronising and basically i have anxiety and depression and boderline personality thats all i cud get out of them and cant c a therapist 4 at least 6 months it sucks total waste of time and can ne 1 help me on this?he said i need to take 300mg effexor isnt that a bit high???and b4 i can take it need to have a ecg scan and blood tests y??????help ne 1 on this?


Well-known member
thanks for ur reply i know i was shocked he was like im going to write to ur gp and recommend ur put on 300 mg and i still dont get why i have to have my heart checked and blood tests!i swear he thought i was on drugs(even tho im not)!!!!!


Well-known member
I don't understand why they want to put you on 300mg either. you are supposed to be started on 75mg daily and then the dose is gradually increased, but to no more than 225mg! But I'm sure your doc will have a better idea of the dosages and you can raise any concerns you have with him/her.

Don't worry about the ecg and blood tests - it's likely that this is because the effexor is not recommended for people with certain heart conditions as it could be dangerous. They will be doing this with anyone who is to be put on effexor, just as a precaution.


Well-known member
I had to have my blood taken to have my thryroid checked, there's some link between that and mental disorders. Maybe that's part of it.

As for the drugs, it sounds high 8O


Well-known member
300mg of Effexor is a lot especially for a beginning dose.I have heard of people talking that much but they usually work there way up to it.I dont know why they would begin you at such a high dose.May be that's why they want to do the tests on you.Effexor can rise your blood pressure.Its not harmful for a normal person but can be harmful for some one with high blood pressure.


Well-known member
thanks 4 ur replies,im on propanolol which can b dodgy 4 blood pressure 2
ive been on effexor b4(75mg)got freaked out when he said he wanted 2 start me on 300 mg dont think wil go 2 docs thats way 2 high a dose i reckon