propanolol prescription by family doctor?


Well-known member
can a family doctor prescribe propanolol? I am going to visit family for 3 weeks...and i am freaking out.. do you think a family doctor will understand my anxiety and prescribe some beta-blockers or this will sound too "stupid" for him? I need a high dose.. i have tried inderal(a low dose.. don't remember what dose though) but didn't seem to have any effect.. can i ask him for a high does.. do you think he will understand? if i talk about suicide(which i have been thinking lately), will it make him more reluctant about prescribing me that kind of med? (with fear i might abuse it)
can a family doctor prescribe propanolol? I am going to visit family for 3 weeks...and i am freaking out.. do you think a family doctor will understand my anxiety and prescribe some beta-blockers or this will sound too "stupid" for him? I need a high dose.. i have tried inderal(a low dose.. don't remember what dose though) but didn't seem to have any effect.. can i ask him for a high does.. do you think he will understand? if i talk about suicide(which i have been thinking lately), will it make him more reluctant about prescribing me that kind of med? (with fear i might abuse it)

Yes your doctor can prescribe this, just describe your anxiety and explain that you have been on it before (inderal) - ask what a safe high dose is, what's the most you can take in a day and maybe spread it between morning and evening so it doesn't wear off.


Well-known member
Yes your doctor can prescribe this, just describe your anxiety and explain that you have been on it before (inderal) - ask what a safe high dose is, what's the most you can take in a day and maybe spread it between morning and evening so it doesn't wear off.

ok thx! what dose do you guys take? my social anxiety is pretty severe... when there's someone near me(not even looking or talking to me) i start have rapid heartbeat... i get hot .... when i start talking or he(specially she) looks or talks to me.. i start sweating.. panicking etc... quite severe :( .. it got worse with time .. i get most panic attacks when dealing with family members as they are very critical and judge a lot