Program for HyperHidrosis

To answer your question, yes I have used the Mike Ramsey method. I will say it has been effective in reducing 50-60% of symptoms for me. But takes a couple of weeks of patience. However, I still sweat somewhat during the hotter months.

Best luck to you.


Well-known member
lol, I always thought that whole thing was an internet scam.

He sounds like he's selling a wonder-cure or something on a late night infomercial.

Dose anyone know anything about it?


Well-known member
Often if something sounds to good to be true,it probarely is!

But whit HH,you never know,because whe are so different.1 ting can work on 1 person,and vica verca:(??


Well-known member
I read a something on the net a woman from ameraica tried this Mike Ramsay says he cured his hh by scrubbing under his arms pits with a loofah (yes i had to look it up its a scrubber thing for your skin) for a couple of minutes a day when he was in the bath and he stopped using soaps and deodrants full stop. But the woman that tried this said her sweating got worse but the smell got better she said she thought it was a scam and dont waste ya money. So if you suffer with bromhidrosis i suppose its worth a try but she said it will not help if you have hyperhidrosis it will make it worse. I suppose it wont hurt you to try it i havent tried it cause i have both hh and bromhidrosis i wouldnt want my hh to get any worse and she said it did for her but everyones diffrent i suppose.