

Has anyone got any advice on how to deal with being in a uk prison ?
What would I need to take with me to court in case of being sent to prison ? what kind of bag/clothes etc ?
Has anyone on this site ever been inside or fear going inside ? ?
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Has anyone got any advice on how to deal with being in a uk prison ?
What would I need to take with me to court in case of being sent to prison ? what kind of bag/clothes etc ?

Hey, I hope it doesn't happen. Here's a link and info that should help

HM Prison Service - Prison Life

This is what will happen when you first arrive in prison
When you first arrive
  • You will be taken to the reception area of the prison.
  • Tell staff if you have been taking drugs or alcohol and need help with this.
  • Prison staff will sort out with you what clothes to wear. You may have to wear prison clothes if you are a convicted prisoner.
  • A member of prison staff will make a list of everything you brought with you. You may be able to keep some things. Everything else will be kept in a safe place for you. You will get back everything when you leave, apart from anything dangerous or against the law. For example, knives or drugs.
  • A member of prison staff will search you. You can ask to see a doctor if you have a medical problem which means it is difficult for you to have a full body search.
  • You can ask to see a doctor or nurse if you have a health problem. Tell the doctor or nurse if you are taking any medicine, or if you have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Also tell them if you feel very upset or worried about things.
  • You will be allowed to phone your family. You will also be told how to arrange for them to visit you.
  • You will be given a prison number.
  • You will be taken to the cell you will sleep in.
  • You can have a bath or shower if you want one.
  • You will meet other staff. You may have an interview with someone called a personal officer.
  • Staff may take your fingerprints and your photograph.
  • Staff will tell you more about prison life and what you need to do.


It depends on the prison but in some your allowed a couple of sets like two pairs of pants,two jumpers (no hoodies or football tops though).But some prisons don't even allow that and it will all be prison issue.

I've just had a friend get out of Aultcourse.His advice is to just keep your head down,he's a quite person and he never had any bother.He says it all depends,but In some you can get single cells.It might be worth speaking to the nurse and explaining about your anxiety,and this might get you a single cell.