Presentations at Uni :(


New member
So i had my first presentation in a long time, first year at uni. It was for an essay basically just talking about what i had written. I basically knew what i was going to say but as soon as it got to my turn i completely froze up. I really thought i was over this :confused: as i dont have many problems socially wise anymore, but yet presentations still take me over and make me extremely shy and nervous.

How am i supposed to get over this? It happened all throughout high school aswell, no matter how many times i did it....

Well-known member
I used to read presentations at uni to smaller groups of people, to get used to saying it out loud before I had to do it in front of a whole class. I hated it every time and always felt really nervous, but it did make it a little easier.

And from what I've seen, even people without SA are nervous about reading in front of people. No one in my classes at uni liked doing presentations, I think it's quite natural to feel that way.


Well-known member
And from what I've seen, even people without SA are nervous about reading in front of people. No one in my classes at uni liked doing presentations, I think it's quite natural to feel that way.

Yes this is the thing to remember. My super outgoing friends were all nervous about them, which made me feel like I was on equal footing. A lot of the time I did as good/better than them.

For me it was always important talking about something I was interested in. I remember being told about how the presenter gets the most benefit out of presentations as to retaining knowledge, so I would find something I'm interested in and something that would be valuable knowledge, prepare quite a bit and remember everyone else gets nervous doing them too.

Though with all of this in mind - job interviews destroy me.