presentation in front of 70 people..


Active member

(im a girl, in year 11) at school today, i found out that this wednesday there will be a 'national curriculum day' or something, when we dont have normal lessons but instead are taught about how science and geography effect religions, well something like that anyway. The teacher went on to say that after we had been lectured about this for about 2 hours, we will all be preparing and then doing presentations on what we have learnt. they thought it would be 'beneficial to our education' 8O

for the presentations, we'll be randomly assigned a group of 3-4 people to go with, from my year. the presentations have to be atleast 20 minutes long, which means i'll have to be speaking in front of an audience of around 70 people for about 5 minutes straight.

im so scared...i have a social phobia and i absolutely hate presentations, or any form of public speaking. i just get so overly nervous that i can hardly speak because im stuttering and shaking so much. plus, my face goes bright red :oops: . i usually see people whispering and laughing at me like im some kind of joke. i know that as a result of this my anxiety will be heightened even more :?

ill have hardly any time to prepare the presentation, and cant prepare it at home before hand because we do it all on wednesday. i cant bunk off either, because this day is supposed to be really important and my mum wouldn't let me. so yeah, theres no getting out of it, unless i had a massive panic attack or something 8O

i really need advice, if anyone has any. thankyou for reading :cry:


Well-known member
Is there no way that you or one of your parents could talk to the teacher and explain why you feel that you can't do the presentation?
Maybe they would be willing to let you do it after-school some time or just to your class?
sorry i can't be of more help. :(
Best of luck whatever happens :wink:


Active member
i am just like you, just much older!!! i know what i you going thru and
wish you all the best!!!
i have avoided my presentation in college cause i could not do it.
i was absolutley scared. i think you should go in therapy because it
will help you overcome it.
you are not alone in this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
thanks for the replies xx

presentation is tomorow :( i really dont think ill be able to go through with it. I doubt the teachers would understand, and my mum says i have to go in. I dont know what to do, im praying ill have a really bad flu or something tomorow so i dont have to go in.


Well-known member
How did it went ?
And if u didnt do it yet then dont think about how to bypass the presentation but how to do it. IF its power point then i dont know whats the problem. IF its in a bright light presentation use alot of props to take the focus off of u.


Well-known member
Wow, I really feel for you. I am in Public Speaking this semester (a mandatory class) and I HATE it. I thought 25 people was bad.

I don't know about you, but I feel a little bit more at ease when I am presenting with a group- rather than alone. So, you could look at that bright side?

Please let us know how it went. I will be rooting for you.