Poker Addiction


I am a self confessed gambling addict.I started out playing poker in small pathetic home games but quickly moved up to higher stakes.At my height I was entering into $1000 tournaments no problem and playing $20/40 cash games.When I won I was the happiest man on earth,telling everyone how great I was and grabbing women left right and centre.Little did I realise that it was taking over my life.
I began to lose money and fast.Taking out bank loans and overdrafts to feed my exuberant habit.I would ask strangers in the street for a quick game of cards,even asked the priest once in the confession box.I would sleep with a deck of cards beside in case I would need them during the night.
Now I am a pathetic individual roaming the streets and gambling any money I have.Most people rob to pay for drugs,I rob to play cards.Something has to happen soon or else I will be destroyed

Please help me


New member

This is a scoial phobia forum, it is specifically for people that suffer from social phobia, anxiety, shyness. Please mason go somewhere else we are sick to death of your fictional posts. Please go back to nigeria u silly black man . I think i speak for most of the people on this forum when i say leave us alone!