Please help


I need to make a new life for myself, but the hardest thing for me is that I am so alone. I've never been able to keep a job for very long, and i've never been able to make friends that are good for me. And I do not have any family. But I want to move away from where I am now, and start over somewhere else. I don't have alot of money because i'm on a disability income, so I don't know what to do or where to go. All I know is that I have to get away from this crappy area. I am very depressed, scared, and I just feel like such a failure. :(


Well-known member
hey,im so sorry ur having such a hard time of it,would it be possible for u to go to uni?that would help u move away from that area
to me u sound very depressed i think you should make an appointment and go to the docs,is there any way u could speak to an housing association organisation?or u could try visiting a citizens advice bureau
if u ever need a chat pm me and il gladly giv u my email addy,have u got msn?
hope everything works out better for you
all the best


Well-known member
What to do will depend on the details of your situation... so only you can determine that in the end. The best thing might be to turn to someone you know. Do you have any family or friends or acquiantances? Ideally, if you don't want to go to school, you could try to find a job near an area where you'd like to live and then find an apartment or something. Try looking online (at if they have personals related to your area) for apartment rentals. And find a roommate! Even if it's someone you don't know, you can find someone roughly your own age and become friends with them (hopefully). This often works best with 1 or 2 other roommates. Check them out first of course by visiting the places. That's some of the best advice I can give.