Please Help Me

I'm 18 years old.
I have been having panic attacks since... i guess 14. Anyways... as i grew up they got worse.
They use to where i was going to get my heart broken and the boy i like dumped me or whatever (still happens too) But then they grew into someone is going to kill me and i come out of the attack almost as im about to die. Gradually they grew into the people i love and care about dying, i mean, shot, stabbed, beat to death... and in these attacks its almost as if im living in them.. they are so real to me. I have at least one EVERY night, sometimes during the day ill get one. I try to fight them, but when i do, i get them worse. The one tonight actually made me sick. really sick.
I'm scared. I just want them to go away.
I have been told to go to a physciatrist... but i dont want medicine to "make" me happy. These attacks are effecting everything in my life though and i dont know what to do.
theyve gotten so bad... i have to sleep with my blankey STILL and check under the bed. I NEED the TV to sleep... i am 18 years old. If i am alone in the dark, i will scream until someone gets me or tuns a light on... im truly terrified.. .i think if i move, someone will jump out and kill me. I dont want to be this paranoid. i need help.


Well-known member

When you talk about panic attacks being people being killed etc, do you mean they are like nightmares you have while you're still awake? Like day dreams but of a negative nature? I don't think these would be temerd panic attacks, but some kind of nightmares or negative day dreams which cause you to have panic attacks. Sorry if that doesn't make perfect sense but it's hard to understand what exactly you mean by your post. If you try to explain it a bit more maybe some of us can help you :)