Please help! I am so worthless.


Well-known member
Hi, I'm the new 16 year old girl.

I used to think that I was very worthless and that people didn't really like me (even my family). But now I know that I am the worthless scum bag of the earth and everyone hates me. I can't ever let go. I'm freaking drowning. All summer I would lie on my bed with the music pounding. For hours on end. And I cry all the time. Plus I am super facinated with death. When you die it's all over for good. It's amazing.

The only reason I'm asking for some help from you people is because I used to be happy. So I know I can again. But I have the lowest self esteem on earth. Even when someone (my mom) says the love me, I don't believe it at all. So I have social phobia and this. Bleck. Being 16 is a pain (I'm sure being older is a pain too).


Well-known member
Guess what? I'm feeling the same thing right now. Actually i just woke up from my usual half day sleep to reality, so that i will have less time awake to feel depressed and such.


Well-known member
BombCat, I'm not glad that your feeling that way, but I'm sorta glad to know I'm not alone in my suffering. Thanks for sharing. I often sleep half the day away too! But school starts tommorow so i won't be able to.


Well-known member
Hang in there buddy...

Perhaps your school will help? Have a school counsellor or something? I graduated and should be working right now but i'm having difficulties facing that beast in me.


Well-known member
Hello Antarctica,
I'm sorry your feeling this way. The truth is that from 13-20 is a difficult period for everyone but maybe more for us. I also had a bad adolescense, feeling I didn't fit anywere and seing the problems bigger than ever. Try to think the future will be better. It also will help you to create goals you want to get, they will give you a reason to get up every day.


Well-known member
Sorry you are feeling that way, Antartica, you just have to hang on in there. I find it helps if you can keep your mind busy and active. Do you have any interests/hobbies? I can relate to you wanting to sleep the day away.

Wish You All The Best,



Well-known member
I how you feel when I was a teenager I too felt worthless and wanted to die. after a few failed attempts I finally realized that death is permanent and I cant imagine my mothers pain if I had succeded. I now look back on all those bad times and thank god I didnt die. the birht of my children, meeting my husband and my wedding day were the best days of my life. I never imagined I could have any of this. someday it will happen for you too just hang in there and you'll see. you might want to try to keep a journal of all the things that make you sad and make you feel worthless. I did this and now that I'm older I realize it how things back then are now so silly to me. try it and dont give up.


Active member
Hi Antartica,

I guess some or most people here know how u felt.
Hmmm I am almost in the same situation as u are.
I am in a transition to the working world, its hard to be unemployed and to have SP. All I wanna do is watch TV and sleep all day.. But I try to be positive about it and try my luck on jobs if I wanna move on with my life..

It is good that u share your feelings with all of us, that is positive. We are all your friends here!!!
Smile!! :) Jump up and down!! Laugh at yourself!! No one is perfect!! Everyone is someone.