Please Help. Can't Stop Worrying About Plague/Terrorists


New member
Hi, I'm new here, and I joined because I'm in the middle of an anxiety crisis and I can't handle it alone anymore. I'm sixteen years old and have been experiencing anxiety for, literally, as long as I can remember. My anxiety nearly always centers around my health and the health of my loved ones. My mother was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, and though her treatment appears to have been successful, I often worry about her. Even when she gets a cold or flu I get anxious.

As far as my own anxiety goes, I've been experiencing unexplained symptoms such as muscle twitches, spasms, pain in random areas (fingers, arms, feet, legs, you name it) tingling, and pinprick sensations that last for only a few seconds. I've been tested for everything and appear to be in good health. My symptoms get worse when I think about them or when I am under stress. They often dissappear when I am preoccupied with something else.

I appolgise in advance for the length of this post.

My current anxiety began while I was vacationing with my family in the United Kingdom (I live in Canada). We were on a tour bus, and one other family was sick so , naturally, everyone else got sick too. It was just a regular cold/flu type thing. But when my mom got sick, she was experiencing strange symptoms like dizzyness and disorientation. I was so scared I almost called 911, but my dad said that it was just fatigue and she would be better the next day, which she was. I, subsequently, also caught the virus, but I recovered in a few days. My mom seemed to be getting better, then a few days ago she said she was getting worse again. Since then she got better agaiin, but complained of feeling even worse a day after we got home. The dizziness also returned.

While in London I was experiencing extreme fear of terrorist attacks because of the unstable state of the middle east right now. I was petrified every time we got on the Underground (the subway) because I felt that it would be bombed. Once, I felt so sure that this would occur that I actually felt sick with fear and considered refusing to get on.

I also became petrified of people who were coughing or looked sick. I was terrified that they were carrying the plague or some other deadly disease, or some new virus that terrorists had released (talk about irrational. I've been watching too many movies). I held my breath every time someone coughed.

The worst was the plane ride home. I spent the entire time with a blanket pressed over my mouth and nose, certain that, at any moment, I could be infected with a virus or inhale nerve gas. The worst thing was that seeing people of middle eastern decent on the airplane triggered my fears. I felt horrible for thinking such racist thoughts. I know that believing someone is a terrorist because of their ethnicity is horrible and wrong, but I couldn't control my thoughts. I would never dream of conciously reacting in such a prejudiced way, but I was actualy scared every time I saw someone who looked "Arabian." These thoughts are very distressing to me. I don't want to have racist fears!

I thought that my anxiety would dissapear when I got home, but it just got worse. I was convinced that terrorists had released a virus on the plane and that my family and I were infected. I keep finding potential symptoms in myself and them. I've been surfing the internet all day looking up symptoms of the plague. I was so anxious that I couldn't bring myself to do anything this evening. I went to bed at 7:00 and slept for a few hours, but I had nightmares and woke up at 10:00 sweating and shaking. I was sure that I was going to die, but I soon realised that my symptoms were caused by anxiety, and they went away as I calmed down.

Later, however, I was sitting with my mother in our big rocking chair when she remarked, "You probably shouldn't be sitting with me. I feel sick again. I feel like I'm getting the plague!" You can imagine what kind of horrible downward spiral this put me into. I can't shake the thought that she has some deadly disease, possibly produced by terrorists, and that I'm going to be next. Even if it's just a flu, I'm terrified of what will happen if I get sick. I'll probably have a nervous breakdown thinking that I'm going to die. My family will think I'm crazy if I tell them that they/I were infected with the plague by terrorists (it's so irrational, I know).

I've never been to a doctor for my anxiety, so my family know nothing about it. From the outside, I look like a very well composed person, but I am constantly worrying about my health, which only makes my symptoms worse.

I just need some reassurance that I have nothing to worry about. I can't seem to shake this fear and it's driving me crazy--ruining my summer. I really want to get the better of this before it developes into a long term problem. What should I do?


Well-known member
Hi, sorry to hear you're having such a hard time.

I'm certainly not an expert on anything, and I've never experienced anything like what you have described, but in my opinion you should talk to your doctor. Maybe you could make an appointment without telling your family, if you don't want them to know. Though maybe they would understand. My parents were a lot more understanding than I thought they would be. If not, maybe there's someone else you can talk to? Are you still in school? Maybe there's a councellor or nurse you could go to?

At least you know that these fears are irrational. I think with all the stuff in the news about terrorism these days, a certain amount of fear about these things is normal, but if it's come to the point where it's having an impact on the way you live your life, I think you really should talk to someone.


New member
Well now I'm really freaked out. I don't know if any of you have heard, but apparently the UK just foiled a major bomb plot out of the airport that I just left from. Now I'm really freaked out. What if they released a virus too, and the police just didn't catch that part? My mom is doing a bit better, but she's still sick. I don't know what to do. Help!


Hi there,
Sorry you're having such a tough time of things at the moment. It sounds like part of what you're suffering is Health Anxiety - with worrying about symptoms you're experiencing and that your loved ones are experiencing. My main anxiety diagnosis is Health Anxiety, so I can really relate to what you're saying. All the symptoms you described having are normal for anxiety - the muscle twitches, spasms, pain, tingling, pin-pricks, at some point I've had them all.

With your travelling, that sounds stressful for anyone who doesnt have anxiety even. I'm sure that a lot of people are worried at the moment with the things going on in UK airports, so for someone who suffers anxiety anyway, it's no wonder that you're reacting how you are. But so long as you can keep sight of the fact that your thoughts are irrational, it's just your anxiety, it isnt based in fact. If there had been some sort of virus released or such like, I'm sure that anyone who got it would have much more severe symptoms. Just think of how much, much more likely it is that your mom has some sort of non-lifethreatening illness that will clear up in a few days than something sinister. Of course it's hard to believe that, but from an outside perspective, it is so much more likely.

If you ever want to talk about any of this, feel free to PM me, add me to MSN, whatever. I'm usually online if you want to talk.

I hope you're ok,



Hi there, first of all I want you to take a deep breath ok. I have been dealing with anxiety and worry for years. I want to try and help you, because it also helps me to stop thinking about worrying about my own health so much. I am on Oncology nurse and since your mother has had cancer, has she been checked again?? If not, I suggest you take her to get a check up to see that the cancer has not returned. I can almost assure you that you did not receive any plague or a virus from the terrorists. Our minds work OVERTIME to depict the worst possible siturations. Trust me, i've done it a million times and still am doing it. I have stomach problems right now and i'm convinced it's cancer, but every bloodtest shows that it's not.. We all want to think the worst so we can be prepared for that, but we are killing ourselves by thinking so negatively and stressing out. Please, please go see your doctor, i'm telling you you will feel better knowing that nothing physically is wrong. Take one grain of sand at a time and don't think about the past or the future. just think about right now until you go to bed and do something to help distract yourself like joining yoga (which can be relaxing) or some other sport..... If you were infected with a virus from the terrorists, you'd be so sick right now, you'd be lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a million machines. Viruses can hit pretty darn fast, and any gases that would have leaked out would have hit you instantly. So please try not to worry about those, because that isn't what is happening. You need to go get help before this anxiety problem takes over your life. It's trying to do that to me right now, but I'm determinded to get rid of it and I know you can do it! You can write me anytime! good luck and hope to hear from you again.