Plastic Surgery?


Well-known member
I want plastic surgery, I hate the way I look, I hate everything about me in fact, I just want to crawl into a hole and die somewhere, I pretend for my Mum that I am feeling better, but I am dying inside.....since I don't seem to be able to control anything else in my life, maybe I can fix the way I look, Is it vain of me to want plastic surgery?, I used to think it should only be for people who really needed it, but maybe if I look different people will like me?

I don't want to look like Michael Jackson, Liza Minelli or a shit faced cat.......but would a tiny bit help me?


Well-known member
please do not do that. I don't mean plastic surgery is not acceptable, every one has the right to be better-looking, but according to your current condition. It is not suitable for you to do so. it will absolutely not work on you, I used to think I am the uglest guy in the world, sometimes I would even look at myself in the mirror for the whole day, trying to repel the ugly image in my mind, which made me anxious to the extreme degree, my brain had nothing but an ugly image, at that time, I also underwent some sort of plastic surgery, i dared not go through some big project, just some tiny operation which I think could make me a little bit better, like botox-injection which could make my fat face thinner. I can tell you such operation made you feel temporarily comfortable for a short time, but after that you would fall back into the abyss of your nightmare again, because what haunts you is not your looking, but your low-self-esteem personality, the ugly image is not on your fact but in your mind, if you could not dissolve the ugly image in your mind, however many plastic surgeries you go through, how ever beautiful you become, you are still that you, your anxiety, depression or sth like that will not change at all.what you should seek is a psychological therapist rather than a plastic surgeon


Well-known member
Emma, my friend, whatever you decide will be just fine. If the surgery makes you feel better, go for it. But is it really the thing you want?


Well-known member
I would have to see what you look like in order to figure out if surgery would help. Would exactly is your problem with you face? Nose? Eyes? Bone structure?

I personally feel that anyone who wants to look better, should. I plan on spending about 4-5 grand total.

It's a known fact that people treat you differently depending on how you look. I never wanted surgery until some asshole through it in my face about how good looking he was and how much it has helped him in life.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
I would have to see what you look like in order to figure out if surgery would help. Would exactly is your problem with you face? Nose? Eyes? Bone structure?

Well, ive seen her picture, and i dont think she has any specific place in her face that needs surgery, i thought she looked good, but as Trying said, what matters is that if you will feel better after you do it, if so then go ahead and do it.

But remember, the outcome may not be as you like:





Well-known member
Sure, if you have 22 surgeries and want to look like the opposite gender, than you could end up like michael. But look at Ashley Simpson, shes had a lot done and looks much better.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Sure, if you have 22 surgeries and want to look like the opposite gender, than you could end up like michael. But look at Ashley Simpson, shes had a lot done and looks much better.

Well, yeah Michael might be exceptional, but you wanna know why they have multiple surgeries? Cos once you start, one is never enough, if you dont like the outcome, or ur not %100 satisfied, youll get another one, then another and another, and before you know it your nose will be dropping and you ll have pubic hair on your face, lol :p


Well-known member
if you have the money and you are average or below looking, it would be stupid not to upgrade. The only reason I haven't is because I don't have the money, but hopefully I soon will.


Well-known member
Emma said:
I want plastic surgery, I hate the way I look, I hate everything about me in fact, I just want to crawl into a hole and die somewhere, I pretend for my Mum that I am feeling better, but I am dying inside.....since I don't seem to be able to control anything else in my life, maybe I can fix the way I look, Is it vain of me to want plastic surgery?, I used to think it should only be for people who really needed it, but maybe if I look different people will like me?

I don't want to look like Michael Jackson, Liza Minelli or a shit faced cat.......but would a tiny bit help me?

to be hounest, yes it would help. In my opinion anyway. But i would prefer to tackle my feeling of self hate.


Well-known member
I agree with Jacky1980. Jacky does write some great posts!

I also used to think I was the ugliest person ever, but it was all based on some nasty comments and I felt so bad about myself I just let myself go - i.e. I just didn't make any effort with my appearance - I cut my own hair for 3 years and it was a total mess, I didn't spend money on clothes, I had spots, I hated my weight, I was just a state and in that time I got more negative comments and thought I was so ugly.

But self improvement by aiming to be the best I can and working on changing beliefs has made me accept myself now and I have worked on overcoming all my self consciousness, changing beliefs on myself and my beliefs that I thought everyone would think I was so ugly and anyone who saw me would judge me negatively and inadequate, inferior, unworthy, etc - but after a lot of hard work and effort I know I am good enough now.

Now I dress really smart, I get my hair cut and styled every 4 weeks, I got myself to the weight I was happy with, I like my personality 100%, I like my intelligence, etc, etc. I am not perfect by any means whatsoever, but who is? This is not because I am vain, shallow or looks orientated, just like I know you are not shallow or vain, I know how damaging low self esteem has and to think so negatively about yourself and for others to judge you so negatively. Everyone else seems to make the most of themselves and feel good about themselves, which is why I wanted to as well. But self improvement like that does not solve the issues, changing beliefs was equally just important.

I am so glad I never had surgery, we all have flaws, people really don't care about flaws at all, we see people all day and do we notice anyone else's flaws? No! Only really shallow people are bothered by flaws. I hate people like that,

Your best is good enough, you should just aim to make the most of yourself, you owe it to yourself to do that. If anyone doesn't think your best is good enough, it does not matter, i.e. if someone doesn't think I am good enough because of some flaws in my appearance, are they the sort of person I am interested in? Someone who thinks looks is everything in someone else is just boring.

All I can say is I had such bad SA and low self esteem because of my beliefs about how I look and I have almost now overcome it all. I only say almost because I am still working on this, but people who know me know how hard I work on this and I know I will overcome it all. And if I can, then anyone can!


Well-known member
How you feel is not about looks, Emma bear. You have to abandon such thoughts of perfection and accept yourself for your differences.


Well-known member
Hmmm, thankyou for your replies, what I actually want done is by bottom jaw, a few years ago, before I got braces, the orthadontist said that I should get this surgery to bring it forward, so it would give me a better profile, but I had to wait until I got my braces off, when I finally got them off I asked about it, and he went off his head and said NO WAY, that I would wreck my teeth.....but now I have him and my dentist saying, I would benefit from getting a chin implant, and that I would look alot better than I do now.......but....I'm not sure, what if it gets infected and I end up all scarred with no chin? Or Michael Jackson, wanting more and more? I would never forgive myself.....gross....*emma sips Jesus juice and moonwalks away to think*


Well-known member
Thats the thing about being a girl..."whoop, I'm ugly nobody is interested in me. whoop, now I'm attractive and my whole world just did a 180."


Well-known member
Emma said:
Hmmm, thankyou for your replies, what I actually want done is by bottom jaw, a few years ago, before I got braces, the orthadontist said that I should get this surgery to bring it forward, so it would give me a better profile, but I had to wait until I got my braces off, when I finally got them off I asked about it, and he went off his head and said NO WAY, that I would wreck my teeth.....but now I have him and my dentist saying, I would benefit from getting a chin implant, and that I would look alot better than I do now.......but....I'm not sure, what if it gets infected and I end up all scarred with no chin? Or Michael Jackson, wanting more and more? I would never forgive myself.....gross....*emma sips Jesus juice and moonwalks away to think*

Haha, i dont think youll end up like MJ :roll: :p

You know what? My chin used to be back too, ive worn bracers for 2.5 years and used a weird machine (that made me look like robocop) to make my chin move forward (which i only wore at home, thankfully :p). And after i got my bracers off, my chin was now where it should be, and it made a HUGE difference. (for the better) I can say the position of your chin makes your appereance change a lot, plus somehow i think backward chins look insecure... So yeah if you have the money, go to a professional doc (who knows what hes doing) and get it done.


Well-known member
hmmm, blanket..oops..I mean Y...whats this chin thing called?
You can get a chin without surgery? I want one, how do I get one?
If I can have a chin without being sliced and diced :)