

Well-known member

There is one thing I never talk to anyone about in Public, except to my closest friends. Even around them, I rarely ever do. Should I reveal anything about this, It will leave a hole in my armour where people can psychologically stab me repeatedly. It is the product of the past, its who you are. Most naturally express it, because it is just them, they don't even think about it. However, we keep it supressed deep down inside, very rarely letting even a leak of it out into the real world. If you havent already figured it out, I am talking about the Persona.

What did you do on the weekend?- Uhh nothing

What are your hobbies?- Meh, a few things

What music do you like?- This and that

What THE FUCK do you like? Umm Nothing really.

This is what I am talking about. We make extra sure we never reveal anything about our personality, it is complete taboo. I said before, It can and will be used by other people to judge and criticize you. I think that I am the only person who understands me, and I am the only person who should know about me. The rest of the world is too ignorant/mean to even give a damn about you. You are unique after all, they will simply think you are weird.

However, this line of thinking has made the above questions more concrete. Because of that fear of revealing your persona, you tend to do nothing of note, you don't watch a movie, you don't do what you want to, because it could be used maliciously against you. Damn, that would spread like fireflies. It seems Ironic doesn't it? They don't give a damn about what I do, but they bloody well give a damn about personality 'flaws'. They don't care if I'm stuck on the computer all the time ,but the message will get around quickly and powerfully that I am a nerd. It is confused thinking that even has me startled at the minute. It seems senseless to avoid going for a ride on your bike because everyone else will think you are a tool for not having a license yet. I think we aren't worried about expressing our interests, but rather we worry about exposing our non-existant 'flaws'

The 'flaws' are all about context. But we must be safe, we must please everybody. I have learnt, but not adopted that if you go around trying to please everybody, you will end up pleasing nobody. Exactly how I feel, and of course, it is exactly what is happening.

I know I think like this all the time, but It seems wrong and confusing at times. Still, we stick to it, because we really know no other way.


hehe.. I just came here to post that you should have your own blog, but then I realized you already have one. Good entry.