Perhaps the best and simplest cure for SA :) worked for me

A long time ago, a half year or 1,5 year ago (i don't have much sense of time :p ) I found out what exactly my problem was and it was named "social anxiety". I had registered on this forum to find something which could help me, but i forgot my username so i have re-registered.

I feel like i have found a very effective, easy and free way to cure social anxiety... which I share in the post below.

it might be that there is already such kind of solution posted here somewhere in these forums, and if this is the case my apologies.

it might also be that my english is a bit weird and the text isn't unstructured :b here goes.

This approach is sort of the same as Spirituality approach, but it is non-religion and more "philosophy".... so I post it in positive thinking section because i think lots of people are turned of by the spirituality approach.

I am at the moment 19 years old and have had social anxiety since i was 13 or so.

Social anxiety is fear which arises in social circumstances.

Fear is a sort of energy that vibrates over the whole body, and always starts very small as a thought and then it feeds and gets bigger until your whole reality is full of fear and you feel like shit.

There is a very simple way to not have fear and that is love.

Fear and love are more than the obvious emotions we couple with these words. They are 2 very important energies which we are constantly under the influence of.

If you don't know about this stuff, and how the mind and emotions and these energies are constantly under eachothers influence...

the way how you feel is always a matter of "luck". if the circumstances are right, you will feel good... but if u don't have the luck to feel good you will feel bad.

When you study how love and fear work, you can remove fear in your life by allowing love inside.
Fear and love

So as i said in the post above fear and love are more than the obvious emotions we associate with these words.

I will do my best to describe how fear and love works.

Fear wants, fear feels there is something wrong, fear is affraid, fear is stiff, fear is stress, fear is lonelyness, fear is unhappiness, ...

Love recognizes what is already has, love accepts everything, love is flexible, love is a state of relaxation, love is being happy alone, love is happiness, ...

So I will describe a typical social anxiety situation.

You are arriving at the swimming pool and there's lots of people. Suddenly there is thoughts in your head making you paranoid that people talk about you, that they will laugh with you, that they are better than you and you should remove yourself from the scene and go home and sit in a corner and feel bad or distract your thoughts from what was just happening there.

Instead of letting fear rule your reality, you must allow love-energy to transform the fear-energy into positive energy.

This you do by accepting the worst case scenario. You must remove the need to be accepted by people. You must find love in yourself and concentrate on that. Let it all be, if they laugh at you... that's ok. It's not yor fault. Perhaps you don't look as good as them, but that's no problem because you don't want to look good.

When you stop wanting and giving energy to the thought that there is something wrong, you open a door in which love-energy can enter.

There is an infinite amount of love-energy available, in fact if we people would stop letting our minds control us instead of becoming the master of our minds...

we could create our reality in such a way, that we feel good every second of every day.
Find your center

So in the post above i mentioned somewhere that you must find that place in you that is always safe and doesn't need to be loved...

it doesn't need to be loved because it is love, it is the core of our being.

the best way to become familiar with this place is probably through meditation. You must relax your body and start watching your thoughts..

you will see that you are not your thoughts, but your thoughts are actually like some sort of artificial intelligence that has no personality to it. it just thinks, and that's all it can to.

ok once you realise that you are not your thoughts, you must let go of your thoughts. stop giving energy to it, not by trying to think your way out of thinking... but letting go.

sort of like falling a sleep but still being awake. you will feel very relaxed always, and soon or later between 1 and 20 meditation sessions you will succeed and you will find out about what is the core of our being.

it's something that is always happy, it doesn't need anything to be happy... it's like an interdimensional doorway to love/happiness/relaxation. the only thing that's needed for that love to be able to come through, is that the door must be open ;)
meditation: finding your center
there's lots of sorts of meditation and it might not be easy to find how to do it at first.

I recommend you use this file to meditate on at first
It says it's hypnosis but actually it's some sort of guided meditation. I tried it and the promised effects didn't work, but it was helpful to learn me how to meditate.

Once you get familiar with the relaxing of the body, i recommend to stop using "guided meditation/self hypnosis cd's" because they limit you and are boring.

I recommend to meditate on some very slow music in which they do not sing (like didgeridoo).

How to meditate?
It is important not to drink coffee or cola, because these make it more difficult to relax. Caffeine is a stimulant and makes your heart go boom-boom.

-lay on your bed comfortably, with no clothes that feel tight.
-make sure nothing can bother you for at least 40/60 minutes, turn your cellphone off.
-make sure you are in a silent room/place.
-breath in deep at normal speed. your belly must become larger when breathing in (this is a healthy and relaxing technique, breathing through the belly instead breathing through the chest)
-breath out very slowly and now your belly becomes small again.
-repeat this step 2 times.
(if your breathing doesn't become more relaxed, repeat this 3x breaths step another 1 or 2 times with a small pause in between)

After about 10/25 minutes after beginning the process of step 1, you will feel your body has calmed down and feel kind of heavy. Lots of people don't go further than this stage, so they just use meditation as a relaxation tool.

Meditation can actually expand your consciousness and make you sort of take a trip inside yourself. This is what is needed to be able to locate the "core of your being" or your "center".

So after 10/25 minutes i recommend you start watching your thoughts, and understand that you are not your thoughts. The ego always thinks and finds reasons to think, but the aim of step 2 is to stop this...

Instead of giving energy to your ego (giving it attention) you must let it go. This might take a 1-5 meditations, until you realise how to do this but i am sure that every one can.

You can not stop giving your ego attention by thinking "i need to quiet my thoughts" because that's just another form of think. Instead you must focus your attention on your breathing, and on relaxing. Just let it go, it is like falling asleep... let the energy pull you higher higher...

So sooner or later with this easy technique you will experience feelings in your body that you have never noticed before because you were too busy thinking. You will experience energy and different kind of sensations, and your mind will a lot of the time get you out of concentration again and start demanding energy.

But everytime you meditate it will become easier, and everytime you will learn more and more about yourself (the center of your being)

I recommend to meditate at least 1 time per day.
This is almost my last post :p
Ok, so when you have found out what the core of your being is you are a step closer to liberation from social anxiety.

In situations where social anxiety arises, you must learn to trust the core of your being and that place inside yourself which is still and relaxed.

Just like in meditation your mind (ego) will create thoughts, to distract you from being relaxed and to try and bring you fear...

but as more experienced as you will become (and this will happen very fast, within 1 to 5 weeks of using my advice you will experience results!).

I hope you will try this technique and hope it will work as well as it did with me, but i am pretty confident it will in almost all cases.
it simple logic... love <-> fear <-> love <-> fear

By trusting your center, the core of your being... and not giving energy to your ego... you open your door for more relaxed states of being.. and for love.

some last words
If we are weird and they are "normal", that's no problem...

We cannot blame ourselves for other people's reaction to us, we must stop wanting to be like them we must love ourself completely and then automatically the social anxiety dissapears.

we cannot change the past so we must accept everything. no matter what you have done to other people, no matter what other people have done to you... this "love" is always there and it doesn't discriminate.

Love energy understands and heals, it doesn't say "you are a sinner"... there is no such thing as sinners. There is only energy, and if you have lost your way from the path of love there is no "god" that will punish you for this... because losing your way from the path of love is a punishment itself.

This technique is not only helpful for curing social anxiety, it can be life-transforming and even magical. Love is the best thing there is in life; and you don't even need to have a partner to be love or feel loved ;)

In fact, I find it far more important to find the infinite love inside yourself than finding a partner that can make you feel love.

Because: a lot of times the love you receive from a relationship is not unconditional... and when you lose your partner you whole life falls apart...
And if you currently are having a relationship, this kind of philosophy/lifestyle/spirituality will only make it better...

For more information, see the links below.
A course in happiness
A philosophy to live by
new age and spirituality
after finding out the power of love it might be possible that you become interested in spirituality.

i find it necessary to warn you about "new age" spirituality and "religion-spirituality".

Religion they teach a very irrealistic view on love/spirituality, i am sure there is some core of truth in every religion (and maybe a lot of truth) but i am on the opinion that there is also a lot of bollox in it.

For example christianity, i believe in some sort of "jesus christ" but i think it is a big lie that god is above us and that god judges. i think that we are all god, and that there is no such thing as sin...

by believing things as "i'm doing some wrong, i'm unworthy" you are closing the door for love because there is fear...

In my opinion, real spirituality is spirituality that gives fruit. Not some story you must blindly believe in, but something that really works... something that changes your life and the life of people around you.

There is a "movement" out there that gives so called "real-spirituality" information, but they actually do the same as traditional religion does... they teach a different story to believe in, but then you fall in the same trap... this movement is called "new-age" and one form of new age is Ashtar command :)

Some real spirituality (in my opinion) you can find in the links below.
-Ebook: who am i?
-Adyashanti (Spiritual teacher)