People avoid eye contact!!!!


Well-known member
Sorry feeling neg today so im gonna let it flow :lol:

I managed to make a friend and loose one all in one day! Im useless at making friends mainly because most of the time around people im too preocupied in not having a panic attack or lip tremors.

Any way i was caught off guard in an unusually happy mood and managed to have a really friendly convo with one of the mums on the way to picking my son up from nursery.

Tonight was stupid school summer fair :roll: , Had to escort my kids and grandparents. Big packed place full of smily people, couldnt smile at any one just wanted to die really!! My friend just looked at me with one of those expressions you know the ones when they just figure out your not normal.

Any way the point is i also noticed how uncomfortable teachers and other people are around me most of them will go out of there way not to make eye contact with me :cry:

Im a nice person!!!! and i really do like people ....i feel like such an idiot!!
So there you are how not to make friends and not influence any one 8)


Yep I know that look, we should all get together and give each other the ‘your a freak like me look’ LOL.

But no seriously I know what you mean and those that try not to make eye contact, I think they do it because they think they will make us uncomfterble if they do.


Well-known member
I think they do it because they think they will make us uncomfterble if they do.

You are right, it feels bad to think that people feel that way about me though, when inside i know im just as good as these people.

I actually saw someone with sp at a beer festival ( you can spot the aukwardness and the preocupation in people around them )and i could actually feel myself thinking oh no stop it because your blushing and thats going to be really embaressing for you....thats probably what people think when they look at me!
When the shoe is on the other foot we are all the same! ( insidently i had had a couple of beers at this point and was not feeling aukward at all) :D


Active member
blue said:
I think they do it because they think they will make us uncomfterble if they do.

You are right, it feels bad to think that people feel that way about me though, when inside i know im just as good as these people.

I actually saw someone with sp at a beer festival ( you can spot the aukwardness and the preocupation in people around them )and i could actually feel myself thinking oh no stop it because your blushing and thats going to be really embaressing for you....thats probably what people think when they look at me!
When the shoe is on the other foot we are all the same! ( insidently i had had a couple of beers at this point and was not feeling aukward at all) :D

Keep at it Blue :) what do you think started your SA?


Well-known member
I had a really bad experience as a teen (probably need a few years of therepy to go into exactly what!) that started my pannic attacks and i couldnt handle crowds for a while and it just got worse from there really.
What started yours, if you dont mind my asking?


Active member
blue said:
I had a really bad experience as a teen (probably need a few years of therepy to go into exactly what!) that started my pannic attacks and i couldnt handle crowds for a while and it just got worse from there really.
What started yours, if you dont mind my asking?

oh really :(

sure, well mine are a number of things really. i guess i was shy at school, being a bit more ethnic and a slow starter were the roots of the problem. altough ironically not an issue now. But it cascaded the problem i feel.
It all kicked off when i started a new IT job. It was mainly a case of insecurity, bad acne, a bit of drugs, low self esteem etc.

I kind of released now tho. Ive been lazy most of my life, couldn't be bothere to study etc. A lot of typical syptoms of things like ADD, depression etc.

So a neurological problem i would ask?
as ive got older ive become more aware of how i act and how i feel. The last year or so thats when i have hit my diet hard. Had a profound affect on my emotionally and for the better. With this extra energy ive been channelling it into getting over my SA. All those years of bad habits and self blame take a bit effort to remove from my head. But its working, finally.
Where are you from as well?