Peeing in public


New member
Do any of you have trouble peeing in public? I can go in public, except when there is someone in the bathroom AND it is quiet to the point you can hear people pee. It is really annoying! I can't tell you how many times I had to piss like a race horse, only to stand at the stall unable to go.... if there is someone next to me, they can tell I am not going too... I just zip myself back up and head out the door with my full bladder...

At one time I wanted to join the military, but I just couldn't because I feared not being able to pee during drug tests or during boot camp... it can be torture.

I am aware it's called shy bladder syndrome... I have gotten a lot better but I am not completely over it...


Well-known member
I think it just goes hand in hand with being shy in general. I've felt that way before, but just saved the thoughts for later and went about my business. Nobody's 100% confident while pissing in a urinal... it's always awkward no matter who you are!


Well-known member
That's only natural. Try looking for a small place where it's likely there won't be anyone in the bathroom (a small coffee-place, for instance).


Active member
I only ever go in a cubicle. Never out in the open; at a urinal or in a wooded area :? . I don't know why but i've just never been comfortable with it.


Well-known member
Peeing in public might just be my favorite part about being drunk, because that's pretty much the only times I do it.


Well-known member
I can only go if I really really have to, there is no one there, or if there is a lot of noise and I wont be heard. otherwise i sit there for a while before anything happens, and even then it takes a couple tries. its really embarrassing and really awkward.

usually I wait until my bladder is ready to burst otherwise I cant go. I worry about whether or not other people notice, and if they do, what do they think Im doing in there?


I've always had a problem urinating in public restrooms. Usually I just open one of the stalls, and piss into the toilet.