

I bought some ear plugs this morning.

They are a whitish jelly and fit to the cup part of the ear, but not the inner canal.

With them, noise is muffled and most especially bass.

Honestly, I can't remember having felt this much peace.

I walked along the street, through town, amongst people, traffic and so on.

Finally, I didn't have to hear other people's conversation, that made me feel insecure about not conversing myself. Finally, I was able to concentrate my thoughts, rather than being distracted by the noise around me, forgetting what I was doing and then feeling anxiety as a result. Finally, I am relaxed and content, and able to free my mind from the torment of social anxiety.

I read a little on aspergers last night. I also watched a clip from youtube by someone with aspergers. He talked about over stimulation. I really identify with the symptoms of it. In fact, he made mention that alot of people with aspergers develop social anxiety. It makes sense that by reducing the incoming noise, then the mind is able to function properly. I consider my self a perfectionist and also I have a compulsive obsessive nature. He also identified that with himself. But really I think that it is about too much stimulus coming in being confusing and paralysising. The perfectionism and compulsivness could just be that the aspergers/socially anxious person excels at focusing on one thing, and prefers it this way. After all, what is really achieved with continually distraction and over stimulation anyway. When I overhear many conversations, they seem inconsequential, perhaps this is because those people lack the ability to really concentrate on one thing and develop an orginal idea. I've read that in this day in age, people really do lack the ability to concentrate, and we live in an age of overstimulation and oversaturation of information.

By reducing the inflow of sound, already I feel much more peaceful and able to collect my thoughts properly to write this. I am in a computer lab at my University, but I am oblivious to the people around me because they are out of my line of sight and because I can't hear them.




Well-known member
hiya Vincent!..interesting post..i think it could definitely help some people. Nice to see you..hope school's going well :)


Well-known member
Funny. Usually, it's my own thoughts that I'm tried to drift away from through music and keeping myself busy with things that will help me grow as a person.


Well-known member
I can imagine how peaceful it would be if I couldn't hear anything, esp the sound of people talking, birds chirping when I'm trying to get some sleep, noisy vehicles on the road, and just nature in general. :( :cry: I would be so much less sensitive if I couldn't hear...and things would be, in some way, a little easier for me...maybe, maybe not. :( I don't know...such a coward. :cry:


Well-known member
For some reason earplugs help me as well. It's almost as if they help filter out unwanted distractions. I can relate to Vincent. Also I where sunglasses as often as I can. This helps me with my stupid eye contact issues. Just give me pills, earplugs and sunnies and send me on my way