Participants Needed


New member
Hi my name is AMY and i am currently trying to find someone who has been bullied for a programme. You will need to appear on the camera although we can black your face out in order for anomity to be maintained. Please get back to me on this by friday. Thank you so much, Amy Astell. :D


Well-known member
I'm not interested in your show. However, I would like to know what are the purposes of that show, is it gonna be broadcasted? Amy Astell...who da fuck are you? My language can be a bit harsh but it seems you don't give a fuck about the subject because your aproach shows more enthusiasm about creating a kind of freakshow than showing some interesting and serious work!


New member
the purpose is a community/school based project it will feature a bullied person and show how bullying has afected thier lives not a freak show i hasten to add. the aim is to make children realise the damaging effects that bullying has on a person. sorry you feel like this.


Well-known member
I jus think that if you want to a work about such a sensitive subject, it is essential (at least it should be for everyone) that you tell the conditions of that "programme". My feelings about that don't matter though they are quite visible. My point is to prevent abuses, 'cause despite I don't know this people, I care about them and their causes. I think that you have to come clean and not approach things like "I'm doing a show that will change the world". Care about people first, then use you skills to help if that's you intention.

Nothing personal but I'll defend it with nail and teeth!!!


Active member
I don't think you have to be so aggressive paranoidandroid. Some people aren't used to forums and the way people use them. You don't know Amy and are judging her without cause.