Panickyville Horror


Active member
I'm so sick of living in panic all the time. I feel like this is something new with me--the 24/7 thing--as of the last month or so. I went through a stressful situation in early October, and though it hasn't been resolved, it's not as bothersome to me now than it was then. The situation seems to have colored my world, though: Every encounter I have with anyone (in person, by phone, via e-mail--whatever) is suspect: I am constantly waiting for bad news, a hurtful word, an unjust act. I'm starting to wonder if this the life my mother--who drives me nuts--has been living since my dad died 30-some years ago. She's terribly difficult to get along with, always sees the negative in EVERYTHING, and basically hates life without coming out and saying it. I'm not to that stage--and hopefully never will be--but if this is some sort of divine intervention, wanting me to know what the innerworkings of my mother's mind is like . . . I GET IT! Please, let me out of this haunted house.