


I'm a 35 year old female. I've suffered from panic attacks for about 15 years. After a few years I learned to cope with it better but it still didn't completely go away. Then in the last couple of months I've started to become very anxious but for no apparent reason (although I have had a stressful couple of years) and I've started having very bad panic attacks again.
I've been on anti-depressants for years to help control the panic attacks then recently my doctor gave me diazepam (although I try to avoid taking that as much as possible).
It still hasn't helped my situation that much and my doctor has now prescribed beta-blockers to help dampen down the effects of the adrenalin.
I also try to control my breathing as much as possible but find it difficult during an actual panic attack.

Last night while I was trying to get to sleep I suddenly started to feel very panicky. I started to take slow controlled breaths and would feel a little bit better for a couple of minutes but then it would start again.
This went on for what seemed like hours until eventually I calmed down enough and fell asleep. But when I woke up this morning I felt really anxious and have felt jittery and spaced out all day even though I haven't taken any pills.
Does it make anyone else feel like this after they've had a bad attack?


I'm not married and I don't have any children.

I went to the doctor today for some blood tests. They probably only took about a few tea-spoonfuls of blood but it seemed like a bucket load!

They are testing it to see if there may be a physical reason such as a thyroid problem, anaemia and various other things which may be making me feel anxious which then leads to the panic attacks.
I should get the results in about a week.

I'm actually hoping that the blood tests will find something, atleast that way it may be treatable and I can hopefully start to feel more relaxed.

The beta-blockers seem to be helping a little, I haven't had a full blown panic attack since the other night, they are obviously helping to reduce the adrenalin but they haven't stopped me feeling anxious.
Like I said in my previous message, I've had a panic disorder for about 15 years but the last couple of months have been the worst it's been for a long time.

if the blood tests come back negative, I will ask my doctor to refer me to a specialist because I am fed up of living with this constant fear of panic attacks.
I hate going out anywhere incase I have a panic attack. I even hate going out with my friends or to work these days. I've had attacks at work and have needed to go home. I've had quite a few days recently when I haven't even been able to make it in to work at all. Thankfully I'm very lucky that I have understanding bosses, colleagues and friends who give me lots of support.

As all of you with this horrible disorder will know, it seriously reduces quality of life! I want to be able to control IT! and not have IT control me!


New member
I have also been suffering Panic Attacks (or even sometimes the Fear of Panic Attacks - weird). I am on Propanalol, 5mg Diazapam and loads of Alcohol - yet still feel frightened to go out.
I can only go the Pub - as I know that alcohol will eventually 'chill' me out - but the next day is worse.
I am getting myself into a vicious circle - where I can not out at all, with out Diazapam and alcohol - not even to the doctor.
It seems a vicious circle that is effecting my Wife and Children - I haven't been out with them socially for over 5 years - unless there is alcohol and tablets available.
I have even though of taking cannabis - too see if this helps.
Any ideas - I feel as though there must be a magic drug out there - but know in my heart that the only way is to re-train my thoughts - but as you all know this is almost impossible to do!!!!!
Please help?


Hi Gouch99

I totally understand how you feel. I was on propanolol but they didn't appear to be helping so I stopped taking them. I still have diazepam but only take them as a last resort.
I go out to the pub occasionally and end up drinking alot just to calm me down, for the first hour or so I feel like a nervous wreck until the alcohol gets to work then I feel great....but like you said...the next day is worse!
I've smoked cannibis a couple of times in the past but found that it didn't really help me so I don't do that anymore.
The Doctor says I have hyperventilation syndrome as a result of panic attacks and prolonged anxiety. He wanted me to see a physio-therapist so that I can do some breathing exercises, trouble is I get in a panic about going anywhere these days so I haven't even been able to go to the physio. Instead I recently bought a book on the subject and am doing the exercises at home.
I think it is helping a little but apparently it can take quite a while to re-train the brain to get into the correct breathing pattern again.
I have to make a conscious effort to breathe from my stomach and not from my chest (As long as I keep up with the exercises my brain will eventually learn to do it automatically).
Breathing incorrectly can actually cause a whole host of problems, physically and psychologically. I wasn't aware of just how many problems it could cause until I looked up information about it on the internet.

As you have been suffering from panic attacks for a long time, it's possible that you also have hyperventilation syndrome.
Look it up on the internet and see if any or your symptoms match.

I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I wish you all the best.

Rachel :wink:


New member


I've been through what you described. I've been on Paxil for many years now. I started at 30Mg/day and my chest pains didn't subside for months while I was doing therapy. After some time and doing therapy I could reduce my dosage to 25, then 20, then 15, then 10 and now I get by on 2.5Mg/day. I do up as I need and down when I don't.
Anyway, things were so bad for me one night I left my bedroom and slept in the living room. The next night I started in my bedroom and couldn't relax and became very anxious. Although I had emergency Xanax, in case of a full panic attack, my will was to rely on Paxil to keep me under control. I went back to the living room and slept there again. The next night I didn't bother with the bedroom and just opened the sofa bed and slept there again that night. I stopped sleeping in a bedroom for six years.
I suggest that when your antidepressant isn't enough and you have some tranquilizers, take the smallest amount to break the panic attack and just get some sleep. The tranqs are habit forming so you can't just keep popping them when you have an attack. If you're not doing psycho-therapy perhaps you need to start. It did help me.
As for waking up still very jumpy I haven't had that experience since I was on a tricyclic antidepressant called Norpramin. It's terrible for panic disorder. Perhaps your antidepressant isn't quite correct for panic disorder and you need your medication changed.
I would suggest you tell the psychiatrist who prescribed your antidepressant that you feel jumpy in the morning. Your medication is meant to keep you under control so you can lead a normal life and not feel jumpy. You can't stop taking your medication until you're sure you can handle the stress of daily life. That's my personal experience.
As for controlling your breathing, I had to relearn how to breathe or else I would be constantly hyperventilating all day. I'm 55, was diagnosed when I was 44 and still need to remember to breathe because still sometimes I tend to just stop breathing and then find myself panting to catch my breathe.
It's a daily struggle for those with true panic disorder. We must each day one at a time just like alcoholics must get by one more day without taking a drink.

Stay calm, Rachel