Panic Attacks Misdiagnosed


New member
Hi guys.

I have had stress, anxiety, and panic episodes that presented in the most unsuspecting ways. Such as pain in my facial muscles, knee pain, obsessing for days at a time, back and neck name it. I got relief from my symptoms by doing my own cognitive reprogramming and I use a product that saved my life. It's an ancient Russian secret and I'm letting the secret OUT. I will never ever be without it again.

In fact my brother who is 6'4" and probably 250lbs (45 years old) was in an ambulance three times in 3 months as he was thought to be having a heart attack. He was completely disabled. At one point he couldn't even feed himself or toilet himself. Now, understand that he had many, many tests by numerous doctors and specialists and every medical condition was ruled out. This was a three MONTH panic attack. He took some meds and is back to work full time and now has few symptoms.

I take phone calls to help with anxiety and stress symptoms. It takes time... there is NO quick fix. If you are interested in talking to someone who really KNOWS what you are going thru with your attacks, I do free anxiety coaching. It takes work. It's free, but it's hard work, and requires a mind of change ready.

[email protected] :!: